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Posts posted by Christopher

  1. The W-7 will get her an ITIN number. This number is what you use instead of her SS#. IMO, it is better to file together and not separately.

    so if I go and marry her in a few month I could have her fill out a W-7 and I could start declareing 2 then file joint as 2 dependents and get more money back at the end of the year also. Right now they are holding about 400 amonth out on taxes but if I declare 2 I should get an extra 200 to send her now I can only afford to send her 200 because of the economy. She does have a job making 15$ a month I wonder if she will have to declare that or not?


    We are planning on having a child also so the baby will get a ss right away and I can declare 3.

    You do not have to report her income. :ph34r: You can Google the W7 and find the form with instructions.


    I think you do have to report her income for the MFJ status

    But the first $70K (has it changed recently?) of income earned outside the US is tax exempt. Probably there is a separate form for reporting such income.


    IMO, if I find a woman in China making $70K who wants to marry me, I will move to China and let her support me in the style to which I should be accustomed. :P (just kidding)

  2. Everyone here has given some good advice. Here are somethings that I tell those that come to me for computer advice. First you need to decide what you are going to use the computer for. Is it for gaming, surfing, both or work. That will lead you to what you NEED for a CPU and graphics card. Memory is cheap, but you need enough to support your OS, 2G is good, but 4G is much better. The other big thing to consider is this:

    There is 2 places that you will be able to see how well your computer operates. The monitor and what is printed. Not much to say if you buy some very nice computer and display it on some old 17" monitor.

    CPU speed is a good consideration. But unless your some big programmer, you probably don't need the top of the line CPU. Mid to upper level dual or quad core.

    I have two computers with XP and 2 with Vista. I like them both (the OSs).

    Well I would like to see a credible article that can justify with XP or Vista more than 2GB RAM. Special applications aside, we are talking about a typical user here

    I use the Firefox web browser at work, which with all the addons and extensions and plugins I have installed is a huge memory hog. 5 or 6 windows with 8 or 10 tabs each, and I am up to over a gigabyte. Add in a chat client or 2, a bookeeeping application, and yeah I think you would start encroaching on a 2 gig limit.


    Now I browse with Google Chrome, which is smoking fast and very lightweight, I think it uses like 1/4 the RAM. I can't wait until the Linux version come out, I will never go back to Firefox. Well, maybe if the reachitect that POS from the ground up.

  3. I've forgotten to ask, how long should I allow for getting though passport control and customs when I arrive? There is a flight 3 hours after I arrive in Shanghai. If I can take that, I could arrive in Chengdu in the early evening, where my girl would feel safe picking me up by herself.




    PS. Actually, minimum/average/maximum times for passport control and customs at different Chinese airports would be a valuable reference.

    Shanghai Pudong is one of the largest airports in the world. The nice thing about it, is that it's well-laid out, and easy to navigate. I've always tried to allow at least two hours to get though the airport when traveling, which so far, has been more than enough.


    It should't take you more than 30-minutes to exit your flight, get your bags, and get through customs. Thing is, one never knows whether there will be delays or long lines. Hanging out in the Shanghai airport isn't really too bad though. They have lots of beer and pretty girls walking about.



    Only downside to Shanghai Pudong is that domestic flights out of there are not so cheap. I've paid much less for longer flights in the US. Beijing has less expensive flights out, and the flights in seem to cost the same as PVG.


    OTOH, beer and pretty girls is nice.

  4. I've forgotten to ask, how long should I allow for getting though passport control and customs when I arrive? There is a flight 3 hours after I arrive in Shanghai. If I can take that, I could arrive in Chengdu in the early evening, where my girl would feel safe picking me up by herself.




    PS. Actually, minimum/average/maximum times for passport control and customs at different Chinese airports would be a valuable reference.

  5. Tony - 7 years ago, when you bought that computer - there was a wonderful resource for study - Computer Shopper magazine. You could study about what to buy, where to buy, specifications, options, etc etc.


    Those days are long gone.


    I don't even know what resource to recommend to you, to 'go study' - these days, there's way too many options, is potential to 'break yer brain' .


    Can you shift a bit, find another PC expert locally ?

    No, it's still there. http://computershopper.com/ If you do buy an off the shelf system it will come with inferior components, that's why it seems so inexpensive. If you have one built it'll still be reasonable, do some footwork. And the computers that come with MS Office are 60 day trials.

    For a free full featured MS Office compatible suite see here http://www.openoffice.org/


    I remember the old computer shopper. It couldn't rightly be called a magazine, it was at least an inch thick, crammed with thousands of ads.

    Anyone remember "Treasure Chest" computers?


    In any case, useless unless you know what you want, and are doing comparison shopping.


    It sounds to me like the OP is your standard user: web, email, light word processing, maybe some bookkeping and taxes. I'd say get a low end laptop in the $600 range and be done with it. You can hook up a nice monitor and mouse/keyboard to it and you are good to go.


    PS. I forgot: If you can wait for Windows 7. It seems not to be the lipstick wearin' pig that Vista is.

  6. I need a roundtrip ticket from Shanghai-Pudong to Chengdu. The prices are a tad steep for my taste (although not out of reach). I'd like to show my honey that I can avoid spending money like a drunken sailor if I can (she's an accountant, which makes it even worse).


    Any sites I can go to for comparative shopping? So far the best prices have been on ctrip.



  7. Unions had their places and yes they did help get help in making the work place safer and helping the working person recieve a livable wage and job protection. One of the main reason we have all of the nice resorts in the US is because of Unions. They helped the working guy get a paid vacation and he did not have to worry about loosing his job becasue he took two weeks off.

    When Reagan fired the PATCO strikers in 1981 that was the start on the downward trend for the unions in this country.

    Most of the benefits white collar workers take for granted, were initially won by unions, and corporations had to extend them to white collar people too. Medical/dental insurance, 40 hour work week, paid vacation, etc.


    Note, I am not saying there aren't times when the unions went overboard.

  8. I believe in cooperation with integrity. You have to know what lines you are not willing to cross (and you can't make them up as you go along), the woman must know what they are, and you have to be willing to go to the line on your principles, every time, without being a drama queen about it.


    Best if you keep your rules few, short and simple, because if you have to think about them too hard your opportunity to enforce them gracefully will slip by without you noticing. Mine are:


    I don't go about hurting other people.

    I don't take what's not mine.

    I don't deceive to get what I want.

    I keep my word.

    I don't wash women's underwear.



  9. An explosion ripped through a coal mine in northern China on Sunday, killing at least 74 miners and trapping dozens more.

    I trully hope that no one has any loved ones working in this mine that had this explosion. My heart goes out to these people.


    My wife is from Shanxi province, but quite a way from this site. There's a lot of coal mining going on in those hills, with companies and miners taking unsafe shortcuts.

    Yes . .ask the families of USA miners in W.Va, Kentucky, etc about these unsafe shortcuts. They know about them first hand.

    Remind me again what unions are for?

    To create extra costs for employers so that they can no longer pay employees?

    It's a hard life when the the only job that lets you feed your kids, is the one that might kill you before they grow up.


    History shows that people will do whatever they think they can get away with, and "taking unsafe shortcuts" needs to not be an option for them. There is no free market solution for that, and human lives should not be part of the commons anyway.

  10. An explosion ripped through a coal mine in northern China on Sunday, killing at least 74 miners and trapping dozens more.

    I trully hope that no one has any loved ones working in this mine that had this explosion. My heart goes out to these people.


    My wife is from Shanxi province, but quite a way from this site. There's a lot of coal mining going on in those hills, with companies and miners taking unsafe shortcuts.

    Yes . .ask the families of USA miners in W.Va, Kentucky, etc about these unsafe shortcuts. They know about them first hand.

    Remind me again what unions are for?

  11. I'll post a report here later.


    Well it took you 7 months but you can now mark this of your checklist. :blink:


    I'm a Linux user, so my chat client supports multiple protocols and logs all the chats. But it does not like file transfers, so my lovely girl in China has to email me pix. But I found another chat client that will do file transfers and I am in the process of switching over.


    There are several Windows based multiprotocol chat clients like trillian and adium. For those people just getting started meeting women, I think this is very helpful.



  12. prices are highest at valentines day. recheck the price today, what do you see?

    That's not the point. I picked flowers costing USD 27.99, specified the 14th as the delivery date, and the stupid site took my money.


    That is a contract.


    If they wanted to charge $40 extra, they should have done that up front, not after I was on the hook for some money already.

  13. I would personally just walk away shaking my head... programming code sucks :partytime2:


    certainly as a paying member, you have the ability to voice your concern over the handling of the transaction... so you can write to their service department... they might refund or give a credit...


    This isn't a dating site I ordered the flowers through. It was one of the vendors recommended by another CFL person.


    But it you originally knew this price, would you still pay it?


    I shopped around looking for the best price for a dozen roses. $68 for a dozen roses, no way, no how. I spend a fair amount of time in South America, so I'm used to paying the "gringo price", but this is gouging of a different order.


    Hopefully she gets the flowers in the end :happydance:


    WE shall see. Right now, I have no way to communicate because the linky they gave is broken.


    But in any case, I posted because other people should be aware.

  14. So I ordered some flowers for a nice girl in ChengDu, then I went out and hosted my tango party, then came back to bed. This morning I find this in my mailbox:



    Dear Christopher Everett


    Order ID: china-flower-685


    You have just received a message from our order-fulfilling unit regarding your order.

    Dear Christopher Everett,Thanks for your order.But for valentine's day delivery,the price for valentine's day is 67.79USD.therefore we need to charge you additional 40USD.please advise asap.thanks and best regards.


    Please click here to view or reply this message.




    NOTE: For the efficiency and security reason, DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS. Otherwise your enquiry will probably be delayed to be processed.




    How can you go through the entire order process and charge my card

    without noticing the date and informing me of the extra $$$ ahead of time?


    What should I do?


    Oh, and by the way, the link to reply above does not work.

  15. Ok, so I'm guessing she just stole that from John Gray, and that it is not an old Chinese saying?


    Heh, I know Johnny Gray personally.


    We both belonged to the Transcendental Meditation cult. He got kicked out for breaking a taboo, then he got rich and donated his way back in to the Maharishi's good graces.


    He's as smarmy as they come, IMO.



  16. Love is so simple and so complicated to be defined. :)


    Neurologically, it's when your both circuits for acceptance and pleasure are turned on.


    What you're really talking about is how those circuits get turned on.


    That's a question of conditioning. Partly cultural, partly personal.



  17. I was saying you need to make sure and cover your behind! If your employer, as in you are on his payroll as security guru, has you install a back door you are fine. He is telling you how he expects your system to work and operate. When you leave that job he should change the pass word to the back door so that you can not enter. But if he did not and you did enter it, you could be in trouble.


    If you are a freelancer dong project work, i.e. installing a system for someone else, you need to watch the legal stuff. For example the company that hires you tells you to put in a back door so "THEY" can monitor all system from anywhere. You do this for them. If that is the end of your contract / services to that company and you entered the back door at some later date that could result in all sorts of legal issues for you. If you are hired on a retainer or something to fix problems or check the system every so often you have grounds to be there.


    I am not a legal type, but been doing contracts now for 20+ years with large, multi-national companies and our own government that are very concerned with privacy and security.


    I would tell you if any of the companies I worked for found an unauthorized backdoor in any of the systems they had installed and that is had been used the legal folks would be on them so fast it would make warp speed look slow. They would assume the worst and you would have to prove it was not.


    Maybe I have just been in business too long where every word in a 10 page puchase order can be used against you. Yep automotive business breeds wonderful relationships between OEM and suppliers.

    I don't do freelance, because for that I would require I license. However even as I pursue my career, I stay attached to an old employer because I really enjoy being able to work and shop at the same time. :D


    If you break the law, at an employers behest, you are still in a world of pain. I would absolutely have an ironclad legal agreement in place that requires your employer to pay for a *good* lawyer under any circumstance, and obtain written specifications for every job you do, and store that agreement and those specifications at your lawyers office, the same one that your employer would be paying to defend you.

  18. Just took my stepdaughter to an orthodontist this past week for an evaluation of her teeth. The guy is very well thought of here in Las Cruces. His office is an amazing place. After the evaluation I found out why he could afford such an office.


    If you have a kid who can get through school for this career they will do very well.


    My aunt was an orthodontist. She and her (now deceased) husband operated their office in a small Indiana town for about 25 years. I know that she is a millionaire, how many times over I have no idea. But she lives on a 100+ acre farm, fends off cold calls from stockbrokers every day and is studying for a BFA at a 4 major state university.

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