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Posts posted by scott1956

  1. After further reading of the instructions, when number ten says to omit the documents in number 5 and to submit documents in number 6, I see that as a clear error, the birth certificate and the passport are both listed in number 5, they can't be asking for secondary proof of citizenship can they? I am legally married to the benificiary, but I will send proof of my divorce because it is not clear that they don't want it; and they don't ask for the marriage certificate because the form was designed for fiancees, so I will send it also. I sent a cover letter listing the following enclosures: 1. a check for $170 payable to the U.S. department of Homeland Security 2. form FC-029 3. form I-129F 4. form G-235A for the petitioner with a photo 5. form G-325A for the beneficiary with a photo 6. Birth Certificate for the petitioner 7. a copy of the NOA 1 for I-130 8. a copy of the marriage certificate translated and Notarized 9. a copy of my notarized divorce papers 10. and a copy of zhen's translated and notarized divorce papers. I will mail these to:


    P. O. BOX 7218

    Chicago, IL 60680-7218

    If you see any errors or omisions, please let me know, maybe this will help to get answers for others, I was unable to find any example forms for K 3 when one of the spouses was Chinese, divorced, etc. I could not even find examples of all the forms for one couple all the way through the game of hoops. Thanks again for all the support and help, Mike & Zhen


    Looks Good to me - this is exactly what I sent (except for items needed for my stepdaughter K4). In this instance I believe that providing more is better than less. Obviously, the I-129F form and instructions are confussing because they were developed for K1/K2 Fiances and only for K3/K4 as a quick addendum - they will probably redesign this form and instructions about the time they change all the rules again.

  2. When I filed in March 2006 you were required to provide a G325A Biographic Information for both the Petioner and benificiary. It is the G325A that requires the divorce papers. I am not sure if they have changed those requirements recently.


    I did some more research and it is apparently an often debated subject with no black and white answer. Having said that, most often it is suggested to submit just in case which is what I did - I didn't see any problem with copying another set of divorce papers since I was already providing one set (more than one divorce :P ) for my marriage in China and another with my I-130 application :roller:

  3. Welcome to CFL Mike ;) :welcome: You might want to check out Visajourney.com as well and I suggest that you add your timeline to your signature - it will help in the future when you post questions. Just Click on My Controls in the upper right hand portion of the website. Then click on edit signature and then go to the signature window and type in your timeline. Check out the FAQs for the abbrevations and other useful information as well.

  4. Hey, Stactaco, what do you mean by "All the petitions are seating at the DHL facility, waiting for pick up..."????

    Do you mean that all the paperworks that are supposed to be in GUZ are still in DHL???

    What on the earth is going on????

    Hoping to hear from you about this issue, Stactaco!



    I think that all petitions that were sent from NVC in August were already picked up. I saw here somewhere that some of the September petitions were picked up but not all. Mine was sent on 9/21 and wasn't picked up yet. When was your petition sent? Are you the one with the July petition that was lost?

    Stactaco you should be close - maybe call DOS Tues or Wed for an update. I think some of the very early September petitions have been picked up, maybe those sent during the first week, but that's it as far as I have heard.

  5. There's only three messages that are useful online: Received, RFE, Completed. Everything else is not too useful...


    That is if they decide to update the online notice...


    This is just the beginning.. patience is much needed throughout this process... good luck. :coolthumb:


    Exactly! They never updated my status until it was mailed to GUZ (never showed any of the RFE's that were sent re: IMBRA) and then only my K3 was updated, my status for my CR1 & CR2 still show that the package is being sent to to NVC as of 5/19/06. It is time to sit back and wait :blink:

  6. personally, I'll never understand why anyone would want to expend time and energy tracking.. it seems the most futile of exercises... but see this recent post:




    I agree with David it just seems to be a waste of energy & a good way to drive oneself crazy. A better approach might be to wait for 45 to 50 days from the date it was mailed and then call DOS. They can let you know if GUZ has picked up the package and logged it in to the computer. Good Luck!

  7. I filed Oct 25 2006 via the Vermont office and yesterday (11/14/06) my case was already forwarded to Guangzhou. My question about timeline I guess was really about how much time they spend investigating each case. I know they think many marriages are fake, so I guess my real question is does it make it any faster if your evidence is stronger? Is most of the investigation done in Vermont before they approve the I-129F or is it done in Guangzhou when they look at the visa application?

    Thanks again


    Most of the time spent waiting isn't because of investigation or adjudication, it's because of backlogs. Too few support staff in the government--whether the US or GUZ--and too many applications. Our petitions just sit there, waiting and waiting and waiting.


    This is so true ... it is very much a waiting process with little that we can do to speed it up <_<

  8. Stilnox is what I used recently in China and Benadryl Allergy medicine which makes me very sleepy. I am usually OK after a day in China, but coming home just kicks my butt - still can't get my sleep schedule back to normal and I got home last Sat. :lol: :D


    As for milk well I did find it in some restaurants, but most of the time I just used soy milk. Good luck with the wedding and photos.

  9. You are familiar with Murphy's Law? Get it now. If she doesn't have her passport come interview time, there is nothing to put the visa in. Shit can, and does, happen.

    Thank you, This is exactly what I told her. I think I have her convinced to go ahead and get it as soon as her National ID renews in December, currently it is expired.


    I guess I don't understand the system, if everyone needs this ID, why is there a wait when renewing the National ID? Of course maybe it's a technolgy thing, when we went to cash travelers cheques we needed a photocopy of my passport for the banks records. We had to leave the bank and find a photocopier because the Bank of China branch in Nanning didn't have a copier of their own. :(


    Sheesh, my 79 year old mother has a fax machine and photocopier in her home. :P



    Hi everyone, I'm new here. Just signed up a couple of days ago so be easy on me! ;)


    I would have to agree with Rakkasan here. There are so many things in China that don't make sense, even to me, a Chinese American. I have been to China many times in the last few years. An observation I have made is that, one can throw logic out the window as soon as you get off the plane when you arrive in China. pkfops was correct, the system is so corrupt that by throwing in some $, you can accomplish the impossible, almost. B) A perfect example is booking China inland flights. If you want to buy discounted tickets, you better wait til the last minutes. Buying ticket early means you pay full pop. Explain that one to me!!! :o


    BTW, I will post a topic on how we (USC) can buy China domestic flight wirh e-ticket online and pay for it online using our credit cards. Very simple, esay and fast. Just like jumping on UNITED.COM buying tickets. I have used them and NO NO NO, this is not an ad!!!


    Another topic I will post is an easier way to bring money with you when you visit anywhere in China and exchange USD to RMB without having to pay a service charge.


    Has these topic been posted b4?


    There have been many posts here regarding getting money to China the least expensive way. Personally, I prefer the paypal debit card method which only costs me a $1 fee each time I access money from an ATM machine with no exchange fee. My wife has a card so She can withdraw money any time she needs too. I have just come home from a 3 week visit in China and used many ATM's in different cities (Zhanjiang, Guilin, Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai & Jinan) and different banks (Bank of China, China Construction Bank & CITIC Industrial Bank). Using the ATM's are a little tricky, sometimes requiring me to re-submit my request trying different accounts (default, checking or savings) and even once using chinese language instead of english, but I always managed to get money!


    I am unsure if the topic regarding purchasing China domestic flights has been discussed, but more than likely it has - do a search to see - I have always just had my wife make the purchase of any domestic flights - of course she had to pay cash (yuan) :lol: .

  10. I am wondering how crucial the given name actually is regarding a 2 character given name separated by hyphen, a space or joined together? We used a space between the 2 character given name instead of a hyphen. My SO's name is Wang, Li Shu, but is shown on her passport as Wang, Lishu. On all of our paperwork we showed her given name as Li Shu with 'NONE' for a middle name and WANG as her family name. Sometimes NVC sent letters listing her name as Wang, Li Shu and other times as Wang, Lishu. :crazy:

  11. Go ahead and call DOS 3 - 4 times a week for 10 months straight - a perfect way to make oneself crazy and won't change a thing. You will wait until it gets to GUZ, then you will wait until it clears customs and then it will sit in clearing house until GUZ is good and ready to pick it up and log it into the computer.... but hey if you want to spend money making phone calls every day :rolleyes:

  12. Yes, I agree with the saying that "wait" is the only key now.

    But I would still give it a try. So I am in CHINA now, should I just dial (DOS) 1-202-663-1225 from Mainland China or should I have my wife call this number from the states?


    Does anyone know the answer to my question?




    If you are calling from China you will need to dial the US country code of 001 then 202 663-1225. If your spouse is in the US they can call the number as you have shown above. I called DOS once to check status of my K3 package after it had been about 45 - 50 days since being mailed from NVC to GUZ - it was a waste of time - reply after waiting some 20 minutes on hold was "sorry GUZ has not received the K3 yet" they would not give me any other information. If you do call beware that they will put you on hold and there will be nothing, but stay on the line a recording will eventually come on. I called again on 10/19/06 just before leaving for China (still here in Zhanjiang) and got put on hold and 15 minutes later they closed and hung up on me. My wife received her P3 on 10/30/06 while we were in Beijing so it was 60 days from being mailed from NVC until receiving P3 in Zhanjiang China. GOOD LUCK

  13. Your NVC-P3 is right on average.. so that's good news. The P3-P4 average is about 45 days, if problem free... or 65 days with some issue.


    The important thing is that the CR1 case gets entered in the consulate computer by the time of the interview. Your about 80 days to interview (by averages)... It would appear the CR1 has time to get there... keep your fingers crossed...


    So if the CR1 gets into computer at GUZ before interview will they automatically change the interview to CR!?

  14. :lol: SO received P3 packet for K3 (10/30/06) while we were touring China. We just got back to Zhanjiang today and will be mailing the P3 back tomorrow. Any guesses as to how long before she receives the P4 :) CR1 & CR2 package was sent from NVC to GUZ on 10/12/06 do you think it will arrive in GUZ before P4? Will they automatically convert K3 to CR1/CR2?


    Any and all guesses are greatly appreciated :D

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