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Everything posted by hunter

  1. Man, i have been looking all over the web for this. I know the photo requirements have changed, from standard passport photos to straight on photo. Is there a requirement on size of pictue? If i send the wrong size, even if its just a little this way or that, will it slow anything down?Anyone have a link please, my wife is pretty sure were missing something and she is much smarter than i am. =) Mailing I129F Monday Thanks guys,
  2. You don't have to provide any of that, like a K-1 petitioner does, for the I-130 and the I-129F, e.g., pictures, receipts, etc. You do have to provide copies of the marriage certificate and any divorce or death certificates. Follow exactly what the I-129F instructions say pertaining to K-3. -good luck 159048[/snapback] Tywy99, thank you for showing me the light. DUH I am guilty of not following directions. hehe, that wont happen again. i still say, dorritos are better than cheetos.
  3. I just got the receipt of my I-130, now to make a copy and send my I-129F package out. Do I need to provide as much hard data, evidence, receipts, pictures etc with the I-129F as I sent with the I-130? Just courious if anyone knows, i'll also be surfing the web for anything related to my question, perhaps i'll already know by the time someone posts. hehe Thanks guys. /big hugs, I know how you feel, and i'm quite certain you know how i feel, doesnt that bring us closer? =)
  4. Thanks guys, that was overwelming =). Her and I spend great gobs of time, in the morning, and in the evenings on web video MSN chat. Your right, its the only thing that keeps me sane, I have to connect with her. At the moment she has taken a week off work to attend a english school and I dont have the web cam luxury, just email's. Makes me sad hehe, as my lovest says, and most wisely I might add... "we must wait the time" ok, I dun like cheetos, will doritos work?
  5. Hey guys. A year ago, my friend in my town who is from china, asked me some questions about my single life, why I didnt have a girl friend etc etc, did I have anyone. A few weeks after that, he told me his best friend in china's daughter was single he thought it would be neat if we met. He gave me a picture and a letter of introduction from her. We got in contact and well, a year later I flew to china and married her. When I was in china I compiled about .5 gigs of pictures and videos of us together with her family. We got copies of everything, and I mean everything. Divorce papers, wedding certificate copies, our wedding pictures. So now i'm waiting for the receipt from the I-130 I sent out 2 nearly 3 weeks ago. When I get that I will promptly make a copy of the receipt and send the I-129F for K-3 visa. Do you guys think we have a chance of bringing her to the usa in a resonable time? Her and I truily love each other and its pain to be seperated from her, we really are tender for each other. Thanks, I have read a lot on this blog site and I have some ideas but I thought i'd ask. Oh the guy how introduced us , also wrote a 3 page letter with supporting pictures of him and my father working in his workshop as evidence. Thats a lot better then just meeting on the internet right?
  6. Ok, this is going to sound very shallow of me. My beautiful Chunqui, of which I have so much trouble pronounceing, has decided that she just loves the name Amy. So, hehe Amy it is. She speaks good english, and is taking a class right as I reply to this, in english. So not that I would be adverse to learning some chinese, but Amy and I both agree that when she is in usa, english would be more logical to speak in. xie xie =)~
  7. 9 months sounds real good at this point, one guy said I can expect 11 to 15 months, hehe. hey, how do I add a picture to my posts on this site?
  8. Hey, thanks for the info. I have planned, that if everything goes smoothly and we can get to the interview with no bumbs, that I want to be there for her during the interview, but I would also like to plan on flying back with her to usa after she gets her visa. I'm like, a total newb with all this, as I have never done this before. Does she get a visa upon a satisfactory interview, and is it given soon after? LoL, sorry to be such a bugger, I hope you all dont mind the questions.
  9. I was courious to know, I married my wife in september in China. I returned back to the U.S. and applied for the I-130 , then when I get reciept I will then apply for the K-3 visa. When my Chunqiu goes to the interview, do I need/have to go too? I dont mind to go, but if its a matter of I have too, I need to plan on it. thanks guys. =)
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