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shadeOgray last won the day on September 10 2015

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About shadeOgray

  • Birthday 03/17/1970

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    Pensacola, FL
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  1. I dislike most hot bevrages and the wife still has the mind set that anything cold is bad for you. Recently she admitted she does prefer cold drinks now.
  2. Side note, even with the letter of extension on an expired green card, the airlines are morons. They are adamant you must have a letter from the embassy to board. I was about to throttle her neck, they called the embassy for approval, almost missed our flight. Common sense does NOT apply there. I'll post some wedding pics soon. Sorry it took so long.
  3. I am filling out the N-400... Obviously... Section 9 A. About listing kids. I read the instructions and I still am not entirely sure what to put. I have 3 kids from a previous marriage. One is grown up and gone, other two are still living with me. My wife is the step mom and the one applying for citizenship. Do I put them down in this section? It says how many sons and daughters have you had. She has not had any, she is my kids step mom.... confused what to put.
  4. I read she can get insulin OTC here. I'll need to check it out. Thanks I'll do that warped.
  5. Thanks you every one for your input and help. Warpedbored, she said can't bring 6 months worth of meds, wont keep? I'll look into the travelers insurance, good idea. Mom and dad are 53 and 54, not to old yet.
  6. Hey everyone, got my mother and father-in-law comming over in December from china for a visit. Mom is a diabetic and we need to get her medical insurance so she can see a stupid USA doctor to tell her she is diabetic so we can get her the medicine she needs while here. Anyone come across something like this before or know of an insurance?
  7. Ting and I are off to China tomorrow. Were driving from Pensacola tonight all the way to Dallas and catching a flight from there to LA then to Korea and then Beijing. Were a bit nervous because Tin is still waiting for her 10 year card and her 2 year is expired and were traveling on an extension letter. We have heard horror stories about the exit authority thinking the extension letter is just a receipt or other such nonsense. We could not get immigration to give her a stamp in her passport so keep your fingers crossed. The only other issue right now is trying to get a flight from Beijing to Baotou, apparently because I am a foreigner I must pay full price, no discount... We cant figure out how to buy a ticket on line either. Will just buy it when we set foot in Beijing. This trip is for our Chinese wedding. We have been married already but here in the USA in the court house... Wish us luck! Everyone take care!
  8. Its a wounder people don't get dead over things like this. Will be interesting when I retire there.
  9. My elderly mother and father-in-law live in Baotou China. My wife just told me something I could barely comprehend was true. The power and water for the entire apartment building had been cut off for everyone because a couple people did not pay their power and water bill. I thought she was joking with me at first. I am so mad this occurred; is this legal? Is it common for this to happen in China? Does anyone have any advice that we could use?
  10. Hang in there! So far the storm is a big wuss... LOL streets barely even flooded. Will wake up and see if anything happened.
  11. That first silver car is mine, think I'm going to loose it.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJgVsyPuq6g Here is a link to a video I shot off my camera phone of the hurricane, Took it about an hour ago
  13. Thanks Don. But I can't ever seem to get it to work for me. Everytime I search, I get ZERO returns, nada, can't find it.
  14. I know this has been asked before but I can't get the search engine to work for me. We are on our two year green card right now and moved across the street. What do I do to inform immigration of our new address?
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