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Mark Wesson

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Everything posted by Mark Wesson

  1. I want to say THANKS TO ALL RESPONDERS... I am actually a little more prepared than I seem to post... thanks to all the work here at CDL.. I just want to reverify what I have learned from other posts and if any new changes.. I will post more from GZ when we get there about 9th ... WE will be staying at Mr. Yangs .. I think.. that is his name... Fiancee did details. Thanks, Mark
  2. Hi, Everyone !!!! I leave for China in about 30 hrs .... and I was wondering what I would need to bring to China that I will need to use to get Married in China in case we get the Dreaded White Paper...?????? FYI Interview Date is July 16 and yes we are thinking Pink but I'm covering all bases , at least I hope I am.. My 1. Passport of course..ID. 2..Drivers Licence..ID. 3.Notarized Divorce Degree for the consulate to be able to give me Single Certificate... What other things should I bring ???? What Tactics to prepare for this possiblity?????? When should I ask for the Single Certificate at Consulate ?????? Thanks,,,Sorry I need to be so spoon fed but my searches here on candleforlove seem not to work as well as the other site I use ,, Mark
  3. This is a K1 K2 visa ,, Thank You both again for these answers... I'm just pretty stressed out that things are going faster that thought.. and just got so much to do.. Im even last min. forced to move this week or lose out on bigger apt. for if we get the visas.. I 129 f was sent in sept 08 and Interview is for July 16 09 and I thought I would have until Sept 09 so so if things go good it would be a 10 months total for everything. I 129 to Visa If not for this site , I would have spent alot of more money and gotten much less service that using and had much less chance of success in the process....Thank God for the Internet and those that Make it Work out so Well... If Not for Candle for Love , www.glocktalk.com www.rcuniverse.com my world would be much harder... I really like being in the Collective... :-) Now if Janeway would just quit trying to rescue me... :-) I need to stay connected :-) .... I like the little voices in my head :-)... Sorry for the Trekie stuff I could not help myself.. Mabey when I catch up, the better half and I can be helpfull on this site and 001 to others after we have been there and done that.. Thanks, Mark...
  4. My Fiancee says that the GIV 24 Family Composition form listing all relatives of us both is not asked for in the P 3 or P 4 paperwork she has recieved and that other ladys on 001 say it is not needed. Can someone here please verify this as I have not heard of this before...Do we need it or not ???? Again Many Thanks in Advance to Posters... Mark the Visa Paperwork Challanged
  5. Wow... This form I 134 looks like it allows for a list of people to be sponsored on it.. Well I guess I'll start printing more or them.. Again Thank You ,, to all Respondents for keeping me on Track Here..Mark....
  6. My Fiancee reads on 001 that we need I 134 that I need to do an I 134 for each of them ,, 1 for her and 1 for her son... But I see on the form that I list her first then their is more lines to add others IE children .. and this is what I did.. I guess I can print it again and do it both ways 1 for each and 1 with both names on it, to cover all bases??? So does someone know the facts...??? Thanks So Much :-) In Advance,, Mark
  7. I USE www.flychina.com i think they are the best price..
  8. Thank You So Much Everyone!!!! Yes, I do plan for her to hand over my Passport.... OK, OK, I'll do the ACH and ACS :-) Thanks, Mark.... If you all agree to meet in Tampa, I'll buy the Drinks :-)
  9. Thanks, Dan then 2 Fees it is.... If I did not get any answers or Intelligence on this I was going to Pay for 2 just to cover my Butt..... Thanks, Mark....
  10. She is insisting on me going to ACH on Monday,, even though I feel this is just causing the Consulate to have more work to do ,, But my Lady reads 001 and feel that it is better to go there... Me I'm not convinced that is best to do... Being at ACH... Unless real issues need to be discussed... Still would like to hear more opinions of what would be best timeline to arrive and get things done.. Thanks, Mark
  11. Help , PLEASE??? It is not clear to me how many NonImm. Visa Application Fee / Fees we need to pay when we land in GZ ..????? It is for my Fiance and her Son age 17 with own Chinese Passport , who will be leaving with her. So do we pay 2 Fees as there will be 2 Visas one on each of there Chinese Passports ( They Each have There Own Passport Son is Age 17 ) ( Double What is Posted on Letter ) .. 1 for Her and 1 for her Son... ??? Or Just ONE 1 Fee that covers both of them as it is both of them on same I 129 F ??? Thanks, Mark.....
  12. We just got our interview date... July 16 2009 at 715 am.. That is a Thursday... So I want to arrive there the Thursday Before July 9 th and go to Pay Visa Application Fee and Medical on Friday July 10 but pay for 1 day service to pick it up Monday July 13 ,,, Then relax Tue and Wed. prepping her with possible interview questions. and if there is any problems with the Plane or Medical or ? we have a cushion of time to handle any possible problems... But... She wants to Land in GZ Sunday July 12 Do Application Fee and Medical Fee Monday July 13 and Pick up medical July 14 with 1 day fee. and of course Interview July 16 ... Well can I get a few Opinions of those who have already been there and done that... As I am a Pessimistic Logistical Planner, and this affects such an important thing as OUR FUTURE AS A COUPLE TOGETHER!!! I want to insist that it is done my way.... So Please Give me your Opinions... I'm I too paraniod!!!!! Too fearful of Murhpys Law...!!!!! or should I just relax and do it her way..???? Thanks, Mark....Wondering if he should pull rank from below???
  13. BEST WISHES JIM... I just learned our interview is July 16... I hope that We All Get Pink and can have a meet and greet in Tampa.. Mark.
  14. I do not think I have heard any thing about this... Can my Incoming Fiancee and her Son from China fly into any U.S. City/International Airport??? or do they need to fly in a certain Airport coming in with a K-1 Visa...???? I live in Tampa, Florida but of course always flew into Seattle Washington or New York coming in from China...before going to Atlanta and then Tampa... Thanks, Mark
  15. I was wondering what I need to make sure is on the Bank Letter??? Obvious is Name, Date, Balances, ??? What else do you recommend be on it ??? I searched for this subject but every time I do a search I never find anything close to the subject words... I have done searches on other forums and had no problems. Thanks, Mark
  16. So mabey we can start a list of possible things that need to be done by the Chinese person that is soon to leave their China. If they own a house, Things To Do ? 1. Power of attorney to those who will take care of the house and banking???? 2. Is there even this thing in China like the U.S. Power of Attorney??? 2.5 How do you obtain this type of thing in China???? Cost ??? 3. What problems can be expected having/leaving behind a house in China and how can they be prevented??? 4. Passport of course has to leave with them from China but What other documents should they bring with them and what should be left in China and why ??? 5. Wills are these in use in China??? 6. What can be used to leave the home to Family members still in China in the event of the death of the owner??? 7. What can be used to leave the home to the U.S. Citizen Spouse or Child that resides in the U.S. on the death of the owner. 8. What other things to do when before leaving China that envolves Legal / Government Issues??? 9. Pensions from China's Government, What issues??? Could be kept??? and under what restrictions??? Like as long as they do not become a U.S. Citizen??? or ??? Other's feel free to add more questions and mabey later the list can be redone and stickyed if it is warranted... If this information can be found some where else... please feel free to post sources... Thanks, Mark
  17. Ok, You guys have me worried now... My Fiancee's and her Son's Birth Certificates do not have the city of Birth of the Mom's and Fathers of Said Child just there Names .. It Says this exactly.. This is to certify that Wu Wei, female, was born on September 25,1965, at Huize City, Yunnan Province. Her father is Wu Wueqin and her mother is Ye Ping who was deceased. Is all this is needed ????? OK ???? Thanks, Mark
  18. We send in pur P-3 a few days ago and it now seems that it might be possible we could get a interview date that would conflict with My Fiancee's Sons school exams we think will be in July. He is 17 in the 11 th grade, We are now trying to find out the exams dates from his school. I do not want to hamper his China Schooling process in case we do not get pink or if he were to want to return to China after arriving to the U.S. So I was wondering if I could be prepared to be able to ask the Consulate In GZ for a later date for an interview if need be and I would like to know the process for this..?????? Is calling/emailing the Consulate the thing to do or ???? What would be your thoughts on his need to exam on original date or just ask to take exams at later retake date????? I did try to prevent this by having my fiancee to delay sending in the P-3 for 4 weeks but she could not wait and I did not have the heart to demand that she not send it in so fast knowing possible interview dates could conflict with his exams.. She is too excited to be with me so much...and get to the U.S. I just could not try to insist.... Thanks Again to all responers... Mark.
  19. Thank You for your fast responce's , I have my 2 places of employment working on it now... Again Many Thanks, !!!!
  20. We got our P 3 this week and I need to get my work letter and want to check with you all on what they need to put on the letter.. So far I'm thinking of asking them for this,, On Company letterhead. 1. Dates of starting employment. 2. Current Fulltime Status 3. Pay Rate Thanks in Advance, Mark I will try to get my time line posted on my profile soon but I originally sent in the K1 App. to VSC about Sept 08. Got NOA 2 on 03-09 and P 3 This week 05-07-09
  21. Hi, Richard and Li I really wish you all the best in this situation. I also will be in a simular situation soon, When the Love of my Life and her/our son now age 17 and who will be just turning 18 by the time we get our K 1 Visa. I'm shocked !!! that your wife is not making the young man go to daily ESOL with her !!!!! This should have been the agreement before him even coming over!!! His responsabilities should have been made clear to him. So of course ESOL is the first thing that should be happening !!! NOW!!! No Opting Out...!!! Yes, in an area of cold weather and no english skills and no lady friends and other friends he has it stacked against him ( hence depression ) and his loved ones that have to help him get through this. Yes, a driver licence and some getting out will help, and if this lady friend of his in China is not a Soul Mate that he will miss forever and of which he should get back to if so , I feel you need to get him where he can meet Young Women as that is the main motivator for Young Men to do many things, Education, Work, Ect. Ect. Now, about the economy's.... I have been researching this current economy situation world wide along with political considerations... Now comparing the U.S. with China.... I say one thing first... FREEDOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not a sure thing in China... Here in the U.S. it is more likely to be had. But no guarrantee anywhere !!!!! The U.S. and China both could go too many way's in many different directions with the current and soon to be coming problems. Both Governments could fail and develope something new !!! Protests of Citizens and Subjects could make this a new ball game in so many different ways for either country. Both the U.S. and China could come out of this in Disaster or Smelling like Roses... Mabey China could become a Democracy and mabey the U.S. will develope a Social type of Economy and have a Star Trek like social like existance. I have analysed and read of many scenerios and I still believe it is a Coin Toss on how we will make best of this situation. I am preparing for the worse and prepareing for the best... Guns, Gold, Education in Healthcare... So the sure job of Railway work may not be such a sure thing later but yes it could be the best thing for some. Mabey Him.. But How will your Wife's relationship with you be affected if he is gone??? Again a Coin Toss ??? There is a website with a publication called the United States Occupation Outlook Handbook it is online from the U.S. Govt. Google it. and use it to search out different occupations that exist in the U.S. and it gives education needed , job conditions, employability. much info: for all jobs in the U.S. It is a great resource. Mabey in your area or online you can find better Mentor's for him that are Chinese ??? Ones that will stress education not a gamble in the Resturant business. Show him news/business articles of the failure rate of the food business. Very High!!! Mabey find a Chinese Family Counselor, Chinese School counsler ect., that also might be an option.. Check with your insurance company.. they sometimes list Chinese Practitioners. One quick edit ,, of course is he stays here he can always go back , better educated and having tasted Freedom... and mabey the Train Job will still be available to him ?? I'm at work so I have to cut this short.. I do really wish you the best with this... I hope to not have to go through this also... Best Wishes,, Mark
  22. Thanks, so much George ,, I went to the english site but the download is not working for me some errors in it and it will not start up .. I will try again later , But thanks for all the links .. Also I checked out your picture site.. Great Pics.. Thanks for that. If anyone has any idea about my download problem,, feel free to give your ideas... Thanks, Mark
  23. Hi, All I have search this area for information about QQ qq ,, I found nothing.. I'm told that it is like our IM systems like yahoo , aol , ect. My questions are. 1. What is the website address?? 2. Do they have an english area ?? 3. Can I download a program ?? 4. Is it a IM program similar to yahoo aol ect. ?? 5. If no english on the website can someone tell me how to mabey get it downloaded and use it ?? 6. My So is not internet savy and only can use yahoo and skype that her brother helps her with and I want QQ qq to communicate with her son. Many Thanks to those who respond , Mark
  24. I had seen a Immigration Attorney in the past about doing the K-1 Visa application and decided to just do it my self as the membership here seemed to be more helpfull and with more brains in my opinion. But there was an interesting thing the Attorney swore to when we were talking about the affadavit of support. She said that in the history of immigration law that No Government entity has ever sued a person for failure to pay the support as agreed to in the affadavit. The Attorney said the main risk was in Alimoney and Child Support. and that Alimoney risk could be managed with a Prenupital Agreement to some extent and Child Support was not legal to be controled in a PreNuptial Agreement. She said a State could sue for any money that was needed to pay any person needing aid that you did sign affadavit for but it has never happened as of yet. Also note the Attorney said that even if a Prenuptial was signed and the immigrant was not able to support themself that the Prenuptial most likely would be overturned and some support would need to be paid to the needy party. Paying/being liable to a former loved one for 10 years after they divorce you is certainly a consideration before making such a commitment. So the Question here is has anyone head or have experence of these affadavits being a financial problem for someone in reality ???? Thanks, Mark
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