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Everything posted by Tony_onrock

  1. The funniest thing, thinking about the guy with the fist, was last time I was at a disco club called " yellow Banana " and the DJ was playing the song "we got the power, black got the power". It was pretty crowded with young Chinese guys and girls. Sort of funny to me.
  2. My experience: 1. When little, told I would be emperor one day. Tried a uprising when young, did not work, almost shot. Scaled back ambitions and tried to convince by ex and wife that an emperor is entitled to at least two wives. Did not work, woke up once choking with a electrical wire arround my neck. 2. Saw a guy, in S.F. He predicted some one would try to buy my wife (then GF)'s store within a week and closing within a month when the lease for the store is on a month to month basis. Both happened, against all reason. Same guy stated my wife would lose her son: She freaked out about her son but it did not happen. She did have a miscarriage a few month later but was not yet pregnant when she had the reading. 3. Say him again in SF He predicted I would have a hard time for a year or two but would become rich in 3-4 years time. I lost my job in New York and decided to follow his advice to move to Hong Kong. Waiting to see how things go over the next year or two. Conclusion: it may work or may not. Best thing is not to follow the advice. I almost got killed, twice.
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