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Phillip2 last won the day on July 20 2015

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About Phillip2

  • Birthday 06/03/1958

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  • Location
    Fort Worth, Texas
  • Interests
    I ride a Deluxe Harley as often as I can. I also like to swim,relax and cookout in the backyard.
  1. Thanks for the help as I changed her ticket with her Chinese name and I am sending her there with are Chinese marriage license and permanent green card.
  2. So does she need the addendum??? because that would be a trip to Chicago to fix if they do that
  3. So I think I get it Change the airline ticket to her Chinese name and the passport and ticket gets her in China. Coming back use her passport to get her ticket again and her American name on green card will get her back in US. Should she take our Chinese marraiage license to show the change? I spent long enough getting here and don't want any issues coming back.
  4. My wife had a flight to China yesterday and we found out the visa inside the passport expired. However her green card doesn't match her passport last name so she didn't go after traveling 400 miles to the airport. I need to change her passport to her American name and need to know what I must do to get this done. It may cost me another road trip to Chicago to resolve but I need to get it done. I hope all I need is money to change, Chinese marriage license and hopefully translated birth certificate. My step son who is 21 needs to renew his expired Chinese passport as well. Any and all help I would be very thankful for.
  5. My wife just got her ten year green card with her american last name. I want to change and update her Chinese passport to reflect the correct name before we go back to China. I can't find the information from the Houston Chinese Embassy were I would need to go to make these changes. I would like to get the correct information so that I don't travel to Houston on my own time without the correct documentation needed.
  6. These are the question with possible answers. How do I know which is the correct answer since I can't read Chinese?
  7. I live in Dallas Fort Worth however, if there is somewere I need to go somewere my wife can take the test in Chinese would be great. If you find the phone book questions let me know when you post them. Then I will download them and go from there.
  8. Thanks for the information and I will have her study all the information. she is bored at home because there is no public access to anywhere were we live.
  9. We live in Texas and my wife already knows how to drive. She had a car in China. However, she must take the written test here in Texas and I am looking for a translation that she can use to study with. I had one my son found on the internet before he crash and wiped out everything here. So I am asking is there one somewere that my wife can get one so that she can study for the American test.
  10. My wife's last name on her passport is in her Chinese last name. However her green card here has my last name or our last name. I plan to buy airline tickets for us to return to China to visit family very soon. I have a couple of questions. The first question I have is do I purchase airline tickets according to her Chinese last name. I believe the answer is yes but looking for confirmation. The passport also has the visa stamp in it showing she is fine to travel back and forth to the US (2 year green card). I would assume she needs to take her 2 year green card in case there is any questions or issue when she goes back to China. She is leaving two weeks before I am to take care of some other household problems there. I more then likely need to take our Chinese wedding certificate to show that we did get married there also. I am looking for some advice so that I don't have no problems during our visit to China.
  11. My wife and stepson have been here for three months. My wife and I will celebrate are two year anniversary in December. Do I need to apply now for her 10 year green card or do I wait until 3 months before they have been here for two years? I believe we are suppose to wait until three months before the two years that they have been in the United States.
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