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Posts posted by Ana

  1. i have been thinking since i read jason's computer simulation. whether or not this simulation is accurate, it does seem clear that by using a randomized system, the last august case will only be cleared many months down the road, especially since new names get added to the pool every day.


    from reading this board, it also seems clear that many people find randomness to be illogical and unjust.


    therefore, i think we might want to call for an end to randomized clearances and demand that cases be processed according to date of interview.


    i realize such a request might run counter to the interests of some people, especially those who had later interviews, such as in november or december. however, it is a more fair way, and december folks might find themselves backlogged in the future if dos/fbi/cia (whoever) continues to employ this inefficient method.

  2. i think we should use this. if some other computer-minded people could double check the simulation, or come up with their own models, we could use this as evidence. this could be part of all our new letters/faxes to the state department, the media, etc.


    using this as support, we could demand that the clearances be done in order and that we believe the problem is related to the current system they have in place. what do others think of actually using a model like this to make our point?

  3. Great!


    But I think it was JoninDenver who posted the story about having a meeting with Adams and getting stood up...(in Our Stories)...so don't be surprised...although it seems a good sign that he contacted you guys again.


    But Mick is right, show up or not, it is a victory.


    And I DO think such a visit is useful, even if ultimately it is not in GZ's hands. At least we can accumulate more information. If GZ feels pressured, they will complain to their higher-ups. We need to apply pressure everywhere!

  4. I Benjamin Franklin:  

    They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. 1759


    It is a very delicate balancing act between freedom and security, but Americans have always prefered to err on the side of freedom.  Have we grown so soft that everything must be perfectly safe?  Have we decided to give up our right to elect our government and to hold it accountable in the name of comfort and safety?


    it's quite true: you can't be both completely safe and free.

  5. fax number:



    you can also use this number to fax kathryn cabral, just write:


    ATTN: Kathryn Cabral


    on the cover letter.


    you can call the consular affairs office at:




    if you want to write colin powell, (same agency, but why not?) his fax is:






    hell, while you're at it, fax the president:


    email: president@whitehouse.gov


    good luck! :(

  6. i called the dos hotline today.

    no clearance (what else is new)


    i asked the woman if she had seen anyone else getting cleared lately. she would not answer this question. i also called last friday, and that woman told me that she really hadnt seen many clearances lately.


    i then asked if there was anyone else i could contact about the status of my case and she said no. i could only contact the state department, and the state department must wait until it is contacted by the fbi/cia. the state department cannot contact the fbi/cia and ask about the status of my case.


    no one had ever told me outright that the fbi/cia are the agencies actually carrying out the name check. also, no one ever told me that dos doesnt have the power to find out the status of our cases from the fbi/cia.


    as with all information received from this hotline, take it with a grain of salt. maybe its true, maybe its not. personally, i think the people who anwer those phones are just as confused as we are about what is going on.



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