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Posts posted by Ana

  1. Here's the latest posting on the Guangzhou website. Unfortunately, they don't give any time estimates. Read on:


    Visa Pick-up Times


    The Guangzhou Consulate has recently received a large number of visa clearances from the Department of State. We are quite busy pulling cases from our files, printing visas, and mailing out notices to applicants. This is a mass-production process, and we unfortunately cannot correspond with applicants about our progress.


    Applicants will be advised by mail when a visa is ready for pick-up. If you have received notice that a clearance has been forwarded to Guangzhou, please wait for our written notice that your visa is ready before coming to the Consulate.


    Applicants who have received our notice to pick up their visa may pick up their visa every Monday through Friday (except holidays). Applicants should come to the Consulate at 11:00 am and submit their notice. Visas will be handed out the same morning.


    For K1 and K3 visa applicants who have received our notice to bring your passports, you may return to this consulate from 9:00-10:00am any Monday through Friday. Visas will be handed out 4:30pm the same day.


    Applicants should submit the original notice from the consulate and their passports and ID cards. If applicants cannot come in person, please complete and sign the Power of Attorney attached to the notice received from this consulate.


    Please do not attempt to arrange different dates and times, as we cannot accommodate such requests. Visas are only available to applicants who have received our notice in the mail.

  2. I got this funny email today from the Information Team at GZ in response to my letter to Adams requesting that he meet with Mick and Owen. Just thought it would be a funny thing to share with you all:


    Thanks for the email. Mr. Krout and Mr. Turner are welcome to come to

    the consulate every Tuesday and Thursday, 2:00 PM if they would like to

    inquire about their immigrant visa cases.


    Immigrant Visa Unit




  3. the DOS infoline is staffed by a bunch of people who know nothing except what they see on a computer screen. they can not help you with your case, they can only tell you what they see. often their info is not up-to-date.


    CA is an office within the State Department. When you call, you talk to secretaries, and if you are lucky, to an officer. These are people with actualy power (debatable) and access to information.

  4. very important:


    this kind of info is not available over the DOS public inquiry line. if you call that number, they will tell you that it is still pending. this information is supposedly 'too new.' you have to call the DOS/CA office.


    so if you called the info line and heard just pending, your case may already be in guangzhou.

  5. i found out today that my husband's name was sent to guangzhou on

    feb. 4!


    i'm scared to be excited!


    if you are in this new batch of people recently cleared, be sure to post as soon as your wife/fiance/husband gets EMS! i keep wondering how long it will take them to get it done, especially now that they say they are clearing so many cases.


    good luck!

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