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Posts posted by Mick

  1. I always enjoy pics of the Harbin Ice Festival - I had a friend who taught several years in Harbin and he always sent us pics. It was an annual treat we looked forward to. Harbin is an interesting city, with its Russian influence and unique foods and spices. My buddy used to put pepper in his socks among other tricks to try and keep his feet warm. He usually wore several pair of thermal underwear, a couple of thick sweaters, a coat, and an Army surplus field jacket. It is a frigid place in the winter. But I would love to see the ice festival, at least once before I kick the proverbial bucket.

  2. My fear us that ISIS will strike on US soil, perhaps as soon as this holiday season. If you read their literature, their history, and the Koran, you can clearly see where they are coming from and what their goals are. I will stop there as I don't want this to turn political or anti-Islam. Suffice to say, I have read the Koran cover to cover twice, once in the late 70s and again around two years ago. Read it for yourself and form your own conclusions about what we are up against. And yes, the Old Testament is loaded with violence, but the Koran makes it look like Romper Room. Please, though, don't take my word for it, read it for yourself. Again, this is not intended as anti-Islam in any way. I am simply calling for an open-minded investigation into what is written in the pages of their Holy Book. This is a hot button issue for me as my 11-year-old daughter will grow up in a world impacted by these zealots. She is already asking questions daily about why ISIS "hates everyone but claims to love God."

  3. That is one great photo, Randy! The shapes and colors are, as you say, splendid in so many ways. The tree and its root structure slightly offset from the center draws the viewer's attention to a perspective that allows the entire scene to sort of unfold at once. I know that sounds weird, but these sorts of things are hard to put into words unless you are well schooled in artist lingo, which I am not. Love your photos. Keep them comin'!

  4. I visited Zhuhai back in 2000 or so, while on holiday from the University. Took bus to Zhuhai from Shantou. Stayed in great hotel on the waterfront. I was frequently asked if I wanted a "massage" in my room. Also, I would advise avoiding the barber shops down by the Macau border. I took the jet foil over to Hong Kong. Great ride with a nice view of the city as you approach from the West.

  5. I recall he had briefly mentioned his divorce and how Beer Girl did not adjust well to life on the Mainland. This clip had more detail. Glad he posted it. I wonder, however, how Beer Girl feels about the wedding videos still being up on YouTube. He never mentioned her feelings about all this.

  6. So Winston's new lady is a fox for sure, but I still miss Beer Girl. I guess she is back in Hong Kong, getting on with her life now. He mentioned the city of Ruiyuan (sp?), which is in the northern reaches of Guangdong, up near the Hunan border. It is a small town at the base of a nice mountain range. I had several students from that area and had a chance to visit there on several occasions when living in Shantou. It is somewhat off the beaten path, but well worth the time, especially if you have a car or a bike and can explore the curvy mountain roads north of town.

  7. Alien, welcome to Candle and best wishes for your visa endeavors. I lived in China for a bit over five years, in Anhui the first year and in Guangdong the remaining four-plus years. We returned to the States in 2003 due to some major health issues on my part. Glad to have you aboard and you will find a wealth of information, support, and friendship here. Where have you been living in China all these years?

  8. Long live Chinese fashions for women. Yesterday in Pittsburgh Wenyan wore her black stockings with a short short skirt that made it look like she didn't have a skirt on (what with a shirt top that wasn't tucked in), and calf length black boots. I loved watching all of the men who turned their heads watching her walk by. In China she wouldn't have raised an eyebrow. I love Chinese fashions. The sexiest in the business in my book. All legs and rear end....VA-VA VOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Being a leg man, I couldn't agree more, Ronny. during my time living in China, I think I permanently damaged my neck from turning my head so often to see a sexy lady walk by. I also have a chronic bruise on my side from Li elbowing me so often. :eyebrow: :bangin:

  9. Just finished reading Shadow Government, written by Grant Jeffrey. In the book, he describes these chip cards as one of the ways Big Brother can track your personal data, spending habits, bank accounts, etc. And, as long as it is in your wallet, they can track where you are at any given moment. He says it is only a matter of a short time before everyone will have an implanted chip, money will be obsolete, and everything will be paid by swiping your implanted chip over a reader. Enter: The Mark of the Beast.

  10. Once, when I was in high school, I confess I pulled a caper involving a swimming pool. As some of you may recall, my family moved down to Venice, Florida when I was ten years old. That is where I grew up, went through adolescence, etc. In tenth grade I became smitten with a local beauty whose father owned a motel on the avenue leading down to the beach. He forbade her to date me because I had long hair, played in a band, and rode a motorcycle (a Honda 305 Superhawk). He never gave me a chance to go out with her, and he even wouldn't let me come by and talk to her. That pissed me off and it was a mistake on his part because I was a devious little punk and felt this attitude on his part was an affront to my sterling character. I had a good buddy who worked at the local Winn-Dixie, who smuggled me a 50 pound bag of Gravy Train dog food out the back door. Under the cover of darkness, about one o'clock in the morning, I dumped that Gravy Train into the motel swimming pool. It made the front page of the Venice Gondolier, the local newspaper. They could not figure out what the "mystery substance" was, saying that it felt like some sort of insulation. It took them weeks to get that pool cleaned up. For years, I laughed every time I drove by there.

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