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Posts posted by Mick

  1. When I first arrived in China to live (1997), I tried various snack foods and was generally spitting them into the trash before they ever made it down my throat, especially anything coming from the sea. My first year I pretty much survived on Skippy Peanut Butter.

  2. Years ago, Peter Jenkins, who wrote "A Walk Across America" published another book describing his own "Walk Across China." As I recall, his book was somewhat negative in its outlook on China, especially the rural areas where people stared at him and followed him around. Don't know if it is still in print. It was written in the early 80s I think.

  3. Thanks for the positive birthday wishes. My Dad said I would never live to see 21 so making it to 67 must be some kind of milestone. Of course, my Dad just turned 95 on March 30th. All my recent medical test show that I am still holding steady with no downward trends in any arena. Considering all these cursed heart issues, that is a blessing.

  4. I would have gagged, then passed out. I hate the smell of fish cooking and rarely eat it or any seafood for that matter, which is unusual because I grew up a half-mile from the beach. Maybe it was waking up to the smell of red tide as a child that put that aversion deep in my psyche. Now, there is another thing that is sometimes associated with the smell of fish and in my more - ahem - adventuresome years, I used to make sure I got a good whiff of the object that was the target before I might be so bold as to take a taste. On one occasion, however, the combination of beer and quaaludes cause me to omit this important step and in was a major mistake. Like a bad, bad fish - it was a malodorous thing and literally sent me into a swoon, or what my great aunt Claudia would call a "sinking spell." Try as I might, I could not get the wretched smell out of my beard, not matter what I tried. I eventually had to shave it off. Talk about a major blunder, this was that and a whole lot more. A mistake I never made again.

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  5. I saw this clip, Randy. He pretty much hits the nail on the head, especially about the photo taking and the schedule-keeping. I always hated going on "day trips" organized by the university. They would wear me out to no end. I recall one such excursion where we visited eight sites in one day.

  6. Well now wawster and tsapster, thank ye fer them kind words about my writin' love stories. Over in Chiner you jes never knows when you is gonna see somethin' that sets yer heart to pitter patterin' like crazy - why with me, when I spied that loogie get airborne, it set my ticker to poundin' out whut wuz nearly a perfect rendition of the drum solo in that classic rocker, "In a Gadda Da Vidder" by Iron Butterfly. And at that precise moment when gravity began to win its battle with the velocity of the green glob and the loogie sort of became more elongated in preparin' fer its half-gainer and subsequent descent toward my Adibas knock-off, well, I damn near teared up. It was one of those moments that life hand you when you least expect it. If I had not already met and fell so deeply in love with Li, why I might have grabbed that goober-launchin' damsel and held her in a passionate embrace in hopes that it my cause her to send another puke green goober skyward. Heck, I might have been fortunate enough to have the other Adibas splattered with that thar slick, dripping, lung slobber, thus givin' me a matched set. But then, the girl was my student and that might have been considered unethical. Heck fire, me and Li was havin' enough trouble with the powers that be and she was just another teacher, not a student. Still, the thought of seein' another bronchial oyster, a true masterpiece, was dern near enough to send me over the edge of social acceptance.

  7. Tsap, your story reminds me of my first year in China. I was giving an exam in my Literature class and was walking up and down the aisles, glancing at what the students were writing (these were fourth year English majors). As I was headed up one aisle, I hear the sound that reminded me of the noise you hear when you try to start an old Dodge on a cold morning - sort of a hacking, grunting, slow-turning gear sort of sound - and then saw the results. This student, with tilted head, let a big green loogie go airborne. It reached its peak and it shook and trembled, kind of like what my dad used to say looked like "a dog shi**in" a peach seed." It did a half-gainer, and headed toward the floor with maximum velocity. Two facts must be added to this tale before I finish. First, the quivering, green glob landed right on the top of one of my brand new pair of "Adibas" knock-off sports shoes, and secondly, the originator of this wayward wad was a female.

  8. I'm with you, tsap - them blow up dolls are about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. I find that as a general rule, quadrupeds are sturdier and less prone to unexpected explosions. Tibetan Ibex, now that is a fine rubber critter, both cute and exotic. I saw they had a special on those at that place out in Kneebrasker that I gits my critters from.


    On a more serious note, I wonder if this choice of bonus gift is somehow connected with China's gender imbalance.

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