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Posts posted by Yuanyang



    Just keep in mind the B2 is not an easy visa to get. It's all about the applicant proving to the VO that he/she has a compelling reason to go back to China after the visit, period. Those reasons may include some or all of the following: ownership of properties in China such as their own home, money in the bank, a good job and/or good income, children and other family there, and any other connections that would prevent a person from wanting to overstay a visa, etc. IMO, the VO's suspect every applicant as a potential overstayer and it is totally and completely up to the applicant to overcome the VO's bias. The more you can prove and the more paperwork documenting it all, the better. IMO, the govt makes 99% of it's decision based on documentation.


    My wife's mom applied twice, and was twice denied, the second time she was at the interview she said most of the people interviewed were denied. She is married, owns her home, has a retirement income and a reasonable amount of money in the bank, but that was obviously not enough.


    My wife became a citizen last year, so we gave up on the B2 route and applied for green cards for her parents.


    That's odd Ken. We had no issues getting MIL over, nor sister-in-law and yesterday the nephew got here all on B2s.


    (BTW: While MIL was here on B2 we easily got her green card)



    We thought she had all her ducks in a row. We were going to try a 3rd time but decided to just go for the IR5 for both her parents.



    Best of luck Ken.

  2. Just keep in mind the B2 is not an easy visa to get. It's all about the applicant proving to the VO that he/she has a compelling reason to go back to China after the visit, period. Those reasons may include some or all of the following: ownership of properties in China such as their own home, money in the bank, a good job and/or good income, children and other family there, and any other connections that would prevent a person from wanting to overstay a visa, etc. IMO, the VO's suspect every applicant as a potential overstayer and it is totally and completely up to the applicant to overcome the VO's bias. The more you can prove and the more paperwork documenting it all, the better. IMO, the govt makes 99% of it's decision based on documentation.


    My wife's mom applied twice, and was twice denied, the second time she was at the interview she said most of the people interviewed were denied. She is married, owns her home, has a retirement income and a reasonable amount of money in the bank, but that was obviously not enough.


    My wife became a citizen last year, so we gave up on the B2 route and applied for green cards for her parents.


    That's odd Ken. We had no issues getting MIL over, nor sister-in-law and yesterday the nephew got here all on B2s.


    (BTW: While MIL was here on B2 we easily got her green card)



    Such beautiful works of art. I just can't help but wonder how this guitar would be received in the show...


    I'll bet money that when Willie dies this will be one of the most collectible guitars in history.


    There's some crazy irony for you luthiers in knowing that. I suppose an instrument can be well built and pretty, but if it ain't being played and it's character can't be found then its beauty and soul will never be known.



    :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:

    Everybody say "Happy 80th Birthday to Willie Nelson" today!

    :happybday: :happybday: :happybday:

  4. Collin County Texas (immediately North of Dallas) is 11.5% Asian (2011 data) and seems to be growing. A very active Chinese Chamber of Commerce, newspapers, etc ...


    Food is a major factor in settling in at least it was in our case. We have many choices of Chinese, "Asian", Indian markets to choose.


    Sorry that your mom is ill and hope you get those visas approved ASAP. We've had good luck getting the office in Beijing to issue B2 visas so far of course both of us are in USA and citizens.



    Ya know cuzin' Bawb. Looking at your avatar photo I can see why you have no problem gettin' B2 visas for yore Chinese family. You is one tough lookin' book learned hombre.


    tsap seui

    I ain't so frisky as that anymore cuz'tsappy that's an old picture from high school when I was young and purty

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