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Everything posted by TigerThompson

  1. Interview TimelineHello Mark, Please add me to the interview timeline.. Lan and I received the P3 December 22, 2005 and received the P4 February 25, 2006 with the interview scheduled for March 15. Very quick in my opinion. I have somehow managed to get through all the paperwork and documents but can't figure out this signature thing... Please wish us luck. Greg and Lan, Guangzhou to Atlanta, GA
  2. Hello, First of all congrats on the interview. My fiancee just her interview appt. as well. My receipt of original documents was July 2005, so I guess that is seven months for me. My friend who sent his paperwork in March 2005 just got his interview date also. It sounds like they are cleaning house and getting them all scehduled. My buddy's fiancee only received 7 days notice for the interview, I received 14. As excited as I am to get the interview, Such short notice can cause a lot of stress after waiting so long. Good Luck! Greg
  3. Hello to everyone, I am filling out the 129-f and I don't have my father's info. He is not part of my life and I can't get the info needed. Should I leave it blank, or put in my step father's info. I don't want my paperwork to get kicked back. Any ideas? Thanks, Greg
  4. Congratulations, I am very happy to hear that! It gives me hope for the long road ahead. Best wishes, Greg
  5. Hi there, I use Packet 8 dot com as my home phone service. It goes through your internet. I pay .03 per minute to call China. The sound quality is not perfect, but it is pretty decent. They also offer a flat rate of $50 per month, which gives you unlimited long distance calling for all of USA and Asia. Either way it is a pretty good deal. I hope that helps. Greg -- Atlanta, GA
  6. Yes, Best of luck to all of you for the January interviews. This will be an exciting month! I hope it works out for everyone.
  7. Thanks for the warm welcomes! And Yes, Bahan, I am a Braves fan. Even though they always seem to disappoint in the post season, They are always fun to watch.
  8. Hi Mild Bill, Yeah Im going to be there in Guangzhou for the Spring Festival also. I am so very excited! I will be meeting my finacee for the first time and also it will be my first Chinese New Year! I can't wait! Greg Atlanta, GA
  9. Hello to everyone on this site! I am new here and just wanted to introduce myself. Thank you for contributing to such a great site and resource. I will definitely be needing advice in the next few months. I have been writing to a sweet young lady named Lan for about three months now and I will be meeting her in Guangzhou in February. If all goes well I will be starting the paperwork process then. So far it feels good, and I am very excited. It is so unfortunate that the application for visa is such a long and drawn out process. But as I see from reading your posts, it is a good measure of our endurance and character. It is nice to see people offering the moral support here. I look forward to getting to know you in the days to come. Thanks, Greg -- Atlanta, GA
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