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Posts posted by MRMC

  1. I can't count how many posts I've deleted that got into Paula's face about attempting a criminal act and scaring the hell out of her with threats of deportation and prison. Get a frickin' life! It's interesting that that righteous indignation doesn't surface when a USC posts about bringing back a couple hundred bootleg DVDs.


    So Paula bought a couple of purses that she likes. BFD. Get off her case. If customs has a problem with it, they can confiscate them. If not, no harm, no foul.



    I can tell you as an attorney, when they accept any plea on criminal charges it is explained to the defendant that if there are not a citizen that they may face deportation as a result of any guity or nolo contendre plea. If you think you are doing a candle member a service for editing or removing posts mentioning deportation, you are wrong. There is a current Department of Justice initiatives to step up prosecution for smuggling counterfeit goods. I saw no threats on the site. Paula should be able to make an educated choice of what she does since she has not done any such act. Your removal of any possible ramification is a disservice to candle readers. In addtion, as you know members of the government view this site. What kind of light do you present this website. Just one or two counterfeit purses smuggled in is OK? I think not. Whats next, smuggling prescription medicine into the US.

  2. you can go to Ebay to buy somehttp://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?sofocus=bs&sbrftog=1&catref=C6&from=R10&satitle=lychee&sacat=11700%26catref%3DC6&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=30439&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search&fgtp=


    They don't have the rambutan. Just Chinese lychee

  3. It could be that big manufacturers such as LV makes profits off their merchandise and makes nothing from fakes. So the LV company wants to see copyright infingement laws enforced and smuggling of fakes prosecuted. I am not saying you will get caught and even if you do that you will be prosecuted. But if you are, you can't use an excuse that people on this website told you its okay. You know whether you mail it, pack it, carry it in yourself its illegal. Ask an attorney or US Customs.

  4. You need to go to uscis.gov and make an appointment via the internet for your local office. Go there in about a month after sending the AR-11 and make sure it was put through. The AR-11 may be received and then never changed even if you send by certified mail. The infopass block is on the uscis homepage on the left side. We moved within a state and everything was messed up until an infopass appointment was made. They then entered the information into the computer at the local office. Bring copies of your AR-11 and I recommend sending certified and bringing that receipt to the office.





    We had that happen when we had moved. However, the process was in limbo until an InfoPass appointment was made. Don't count on just the AR-11. I would make an InfoPass appointment at your new location and make sure the address change went through.



    What is the infopass appointment? I called USCICS and changed his address over the phone. They made him give consent for me to speak for him. I have not yet sent the AR-11 because my computer printer is in transit from CA and will be here Saturday.

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