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Everything posted by MarkandLeigh

  1. Try first thing in the morning on a Tuesday or Wednesday. That's when I called NVC. Then it's about a 15 minute wait, but at least you don't get the "all operators are busy. Goodbye" line.
  2. Don't forget, though, that with New Years holiday and the two weeks off for Chinese New Year, many of us will get pushed into February. I never have understood why they get double holidays. Mark
  3. I have found that on two different days, with two different people answering, you get two very different answers. I've learned not to get depressed or elated based upon what they tell me. I would call again Monday. If the answer is the same, contact the embassy. Mark
  4. It's the same line I get every time too. I don't think the person who answers really knows what is going on. I think we're both in line for P4 in December??? Appointment in January/February??? Mark
  5. You are a source of encouragement and inspiration to all of us! Congratulations and thanks for the update Mark
  6. One can only hope! It seems that the spigot has shut for the time being. Unless anyone else says different! Mark
  7. I'm having Travelocity send me updates for prices to Guangzhou. There are dates in January where it is $675 round trip from Seattle. Mark
  8. Let us know where and when! I'm glad you will adopt us Washington orphans! Mark
  9. John and Gene.... Hope to see you in Guangzhou in January....just in time to celebrate the Chinese New Year! Mark
  10. Most have been quite supportive. Her family is genuinely happy for her. So is mine! However, I've found "friends" on the west coast saying "be careful. All they want is a visa and a free meal ticket." They just don't have a clue to what genuine love is all about.
  11. I won't try giving my Leigh any advice. She's a medical doctor already and quite comfortable in what she does!
  12. Hi all, Leigh just told me about this site and I've learned a lot from all you veterans! We still haven't gotten our P4 and I'm wondering about the odds of getting Leigh here by Christmas. Probably less than zero? I'm also admiring all of you Oregon members that get together. Are there any in the Seattle area that do the same??? Thanks, Mark
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