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Tom and Ling

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Everything posted by Tom and Ling

  1. Thanks everyone, I will photo copy and bring the originals for my wife's interview.......... The boys are going to help...they have strong arms....... Tom and Ling
  2. Hello all, I was wondering what to do about the receipts from China both on my last visit and my up come visit. What I would like to know is....would photo copies of all the receipts be OK or do you think they want the original receipts ?? Just inquiring , as I have all my receipts stapled to sheets of paper and it is starting to get bulky.... Tom and Ling
  3. Hi bmic, Not that it helps you, But with my second wife who was Russian, after I married her I DCFed 3 I-130's with the US Embassy in Kazakhstan but my wife and step-children were with me when I filed all the forms.....This was probably the interview that you are going to have to go back to.... I would suspect that they want to make sure that you are qualified to make a DCF filing. Probably because anyone could mail in a DCF filing , even from the US, by having your spouse do the mailing......just another hoop to jump through.......... Good luck.... Tom and Ling
  4. Hi Sweetcherry, Like allot of people have said,,,,It is very important that your fiancee's family support you in the affidavit and not a third party person. And house loans do not mean anything....it is the Gross Income of the family that is most important and that they as a family support your marriage. What ever happens, if you love each other, you will have success. Tom and Ling
  5. Hi Sam, I don't know whether they need round trip tickets to get in the US, but I do know that round trip tickets are cheaper than one way tickets.. Try this service place; http://www.flychina.com/ Some times even though you buy round trip tickets for a specific time you can always change the tickets later for an extra fee. Tom and Ling
  6. Hi Richard, Four copies. I just looked at the G-325 again and it is only four. But you should be making photo copies of everything and two photo copies would not be a bad idea.......... """4 copies for Richard,4 copies for you and4 copies for your son. Each copy has a different destination. Tom
  7. Hi Amanda, I mis-read the #1 question: it is like Dale said "your first question check other and write cr-1 for yourself and cr-2 for the child. and I would assume that Richard is filling his out and he also would check other and write cr-1. Tom and Ling
  8. Hi Amanda, For question one.....Your Husband fills out his G-325A and remember all five copies for each of you...that would mean 5 copies for Richard, five copies for you and five copies for your son. Each copy has a different destination. Since they ask for "write your name in your native alphabet below", you are probably going to fill out your copies and your son's copies and than FedEX or USPS from China to US , and than Richard will submit them. I had Ling sign her name in Native alphabet before I left China the first time, knowing that this was one of the forms that she and I would have to fill out. Remember also, all forms you fill out will have to be in English, but this should not be a problem for you. You can sign for your son or if he is old enough ...He can sign. As far as question #2 goes...He will have to give his ex-wife's birth date and date of marriage...LOL Tom and Ling
  9. Hi Sweetcherry, hang in there....and I am sorry about this....... "Now my fiancee will appeal in US, and apply CR after our marriage. But I still worry about my fiancee's income. Next year, he will still have no income. Well, we will still ask our lawyer about it. I also want you here can help me." I don't know whether you can now stop the petition from leaving GUZ, the only one that could stop the petition from leaving GUZ would be a competitive lawyer but they might be too expensive. I eliminated the US Embassy from telling me that I could not get married because I married my wife in China. I don't know how far you will take the appeal, but to eliminate somebody from telling you that you are too young...Is to get married.... As far as the Income goes...make sure that your co-sponsor has enough income to handle their family plus you and your "husband". Good luck and keep posting.......... Tom and Ling
  10. Hi Ericka, Good luck, Think Pink and you and Hubby are wearing pink. You will do fine............ Tom and Ling
  11. Hi Amanda, Randy's right about the Cr1/Cr2 route and maybe what you would want to do is have Richard file an I-130 for you and an I-130 for your son. Once Richard receives the NOA1's ,, He could still file an I-129F for you. And than both I-130's would be pending. I say this because...Richard is from Florida and he will be filing with the Vermont Service Center and the Vermont Service Center is 4 months behind between the I-129F's and the I-130's. So, unless they speed the process up (Big time) ,you would probably be here in the USA and than you could deal with the I-130's here. Tom and Ling So the son gets an I-130 either now, or upon arrival. But if you go the CR-1/CR-2 route, you avoid having to apply for AOS.
  12. A minor correction, CR-1 and CR-2 will get an I-551 stamp at the POE, this makes the passport act as a temporary green-card. Green-card holders do not get "work permit" (EAD) the green-card IS work authorization, and the I-551 stamp in passport IS work authorization. So could actually take a job on the day they enter the USA. Wow, that is really an exciting thought !!!!! I guess we are really missing out !!?? Lao Po has been here nearly a month now, and we have been spending most of the time, together, in the bedroom. very funny Rog personally I think spending time getting to know each others ways and for them to acclimatize to their new life and country is more important than them getting a job (but that's just me) LOL, I thought you could not work until you got your ss #, thus I told my wife she would be 4 - 6 weeks. Thanks for the information. I don't know other peoples situation, but for my wife (and for myself), work is important. She speaks good english already (better than my texan for sure) and will focus on finding a good job. She would rather take a minimum wage job, than sit at home all day while I am at work. We don't need the money, but she needs to work for her own self fullfillment. I didn't realize how this would feel for her, until I sat around the apartment all day here in China while she worked. Ususally I find something to do, but on this particular day I had finished everything.. tai wolio (however it is spelled). If I get stir-crazy in 1 day, I can not imagine my wife sitting at home for weeks. Anyway, I think each couple has their own situation, so maybe the immediate work is not important to some, but for some of us work-a-holics it is important. I would agree with all of you, but Roger's idea of staying in the bedroom for almost a month sounds to me a fine idea...... I wonder if I can convince Ling of that....NO probably not since there are two twins also. Work is OK, but I think it really depends on the level of English she/he is at. For my wife Ling, if she wants to be a nurse again, she is going to have to learn English well. She will have to take some classes in Nursing and this will require good English skills. What am I going to do in the mean time??? I am planning on taking my wife to work with me. I have my boss's permission and she will be around allot of both English speaking people and Asian people. I understand about the sitting at home....I was bored out of my mind in Kazakhstan, and I spent 30 days there. Fortunately, Ling didn't work while I was in China which was nice,,,but we didn't spend all of our time in the Bedroom either... Tom and Ling
  13. Hi Amanda, "what is EOR?" I'm sorry and I should have made "EOR" more clear....... EOR = Evolution of Relationship or Maybe "Evolution of Marriage"... In a way the EOR is a letter written to describe one's relationship or marriage from start to finish (at least from when you met to the present). You have written some very good posts by yourself...now you could combine some of your posts and this would be a EOR for you and Richard. I had not hear about the EOR until I read about it in one of Rogers posting. By that time ,I had already sent in my I-130 but after reading Rogers post....I thought that it was a good ides an wrote one which was one and a half pages long (single spaced) and sent it in with my I-129F. Will it help...I have no clue but I don't thing it will hurt. The other thing is "how longer you are willing to be separated from Richard". This depends on whether you and Richard go the CR1 route or the K3/K4 route. I think in one of your previous posts ,you said that you and Richard had decided to go the K3/K4 route. If that is the case, which service center you send your petitions into won't make a difference because both Cal. and Vermont are showing the same time for I-129F....December 18, 2007. But for I-130 petitions Cal. service center is current with I-129F petitions ,while Vermont is 4 months behind on the I-130. So, depending on which Service center and what petitions you want to file ...may depend on what you want to do. And interesting thing has happened since I filed for my Second wife. When I married my second wife (she was Russian), we married in Kazakhstan and I did a DCF (Direct Consulate Filing) for 3 I-130's and at that time there were no Affidavit's of the bona fides of the marital relationship. Now these Affidavits are required.....which surprised me but I submitted five affidavits............ One thing you should be aware of depending on whether you go the I-130 route or the K3/K4 route. With the I-130 way...you and Richard will need to file two I-130's , one for you and one for your son. If you go the K3/K4 route, One I-130 for you and a I-129F for you, but you most definitely need to include your son on the I-129F so he can come with you... Tom and Ling
  14. Hi Don, So, I take it that what you are describing is printing on a color printer. So all pictures are on computer paper?? I may have to experiment with a color printer and see how the pictures look......... Jim did the same thing....Is pictures printed on computer paper ...OK for the VO or would they rather see actual color prints on photo graphic paper?? Tom and Ling
  15. Hi Amanda, I will say that either way CR1 or K3/K4 are OK. The CR1 is OK if the Chinese spouse speaks good English and immediately intends on starting a job. The AOS route for K3/K4 may cost more money but if one figures in the cost to go CR1....I would say that the cost is not going to be overly expensive either way. I know for a fact..That my Ling will need at least a minimum of a year before her English will be up to par to look for work. My second wife was Russian and she spoke pretty good English and it still took her two years to land a job in accounting....unless the spouse is going to work at WalMart, to land a reasonable job, the spouse's English will count for alot. The other factor to consider is what service center is Richard going to file at.....Cal. or Vermont?? Vermont is 4 months between I-130 and I-129. Cal. right now seems to be current. Also..remember that this is a good place to include an EOR letter here with both the I-130 and I-129. Tom and Ling
  16. Thanks.....Dave, The ACCO fastener sounds intriguing. Do you know what is the height of the slot for the window is....I would imagine that it is atlest two or three inches. I have been in The US citizen Service area....getting my Marriageability affidavit back in March but not sure what the height of the slots are.. Tom and Ling
  17. Thanks...Brian, Dale, and Jim, All great ideas and helpful......... Tom and Ling
  18. Hi everyone, I would like to know how everyone handled the picture albums??? Since one can not get a stiff photo album under the window when being interviewed...what setup did other people use?? I have an album that you can take the sheets of pictures out of, but it would require the VO to view the pictures through the glass, first. Ling is buying and album, but I have not idea what she is buying...So I would like to hear what other people did for their interview?? Tom and Ling
  19. Hi Boco, CONGRATULATIONS! and excellent write up.... Tom and Ling
  20. Hi X&R, You did not scare me one bit.......... B) But like others have said..The VO will raise their Eye brows at 40 years difference...... Of course I would have done the same thing if Ling had been 40 years difference in age. You need to emphasize his good health and that he would care for your heart more than a younger man. And any positives that you can think about. Because he is a researcher at a university, I would suggest that you do not mention anything about "what you would want to do as far as education". This might give the VO an idea that you were marrying to come to the US for education. Forty years difference can raise some eye brows, but if you think of all the positives that your marriage can mean...than I think you will be fine.. Tom and Ling
  21. Hi X&R, If I might ask, what is the age difference??? My wife and I have an age difference of 25 years. Just curious as to what age difference, has you worried Tom and Ling Because of our age difference, none of my families could accept our marriage, my mother even told I don't need to call her mom if I marry my husband. But I am an adult, I am mature enough to make my own life decision, so we registered our marriage in China, no family wishes, nothing, just us. But I was happy to be with him, so I don't regret that I married him.
  22. Hi griz326, Good luck and I'm sure you'll be oK. Think PINK........... Tom and Ling
  23. Congradulations..Jing Quan..... About question #6 6) What do your SO do for loving? Kind of an inappropriate question and if that is really what he asked..than it is none of his Business.... So how did An answer this question?? Tom and Ling
  24. Hi Ling, When your CR1 left NVC it was assigned a Guangzhou number and forwarded to Guangzhou (US Embassy in Guangzhou). It generally takes 3 to 4 months until interview. Probably the next thing you will receive is a packet 3 from Guangzhou....that is assuming that it has left NCV. Tom and Ling
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