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Everything posted by yuanfen42

  1. I am trying to get a updated employment verification. I just realize my company is using a thirdparty called theworknumber. I called them, the lady told me their web address and said just prent one myself. The printed one does have all the info, but just doesnt look good. I am wondering if anyone there uses/used this. Thanks, wade
  2. After hearing good news from some of July p3s, I called dos to try my own luck. It's really surprised I got one too, as even yesterday, the dos lady told me it's probably in a few months and i was thinking sometime in March. Anyway my fiancee's interview is Dec 9 at 8am. Look forward to having a merry Chrismas now. It seems GZ starts moving pretty quick now. Good luck to you all. /Wade
  3. congratulations! once again it proves that p4 date is based on second name check/security clearance date NOT p3 date.
  4. I got exactly the same answer when I first called DOS around 10/20, "eligible for interview". Then when I called again on 10/27, I was told GZ had just got the security clearance 12 hours ago from washington. So I really doubt "eligible for interview" means anything, probably means they don't have info at this point. BTW, does anyone know if "secuirty clearance" is the same as second name check completion?
  5. Jon, thank u very much for all the information. It seems we are probably on the boat. /Wade
  6. does everyone have to go through the second name check? What's it anyway? Is it for you or for your fiancee? If DOS says you pass security clearance, does it mean second name check complete? Also, i was told by DOS that GZ got my security clearance on 27 Oct, does it mean my date for waiting in line is Oct 27, not July 7 when they received my p3? If it's true, it means my fiancee probably gets an interview in Feb, not in Dec as I thought. /Wade
  7. I am thinking to go to China around thanksgivings. I am wondering if it's worth of anything to make efforts to attend one of sessions for US citizens in GZ. Thanks, Wade
  8. Thank u all for the information. I did call IRS to send me transciprts for the last three years. It's no problem. The lady told me I should get them in 5-7 business days.
  9. On 001 site, I heard some people said GZ would make a call to your love one to confirm address and so on before sending out p4. Is it true? My fiancee had a hard time to get her p3, i had to fax in a request to GZ with her address in Chinese on it.
  10. Thank u all for the info. Still a bit confused, I-134 has those items for assets, u just leave them blank?
  11. Congratulations! Live happily ever after. A quick question, what's the brown medical packet? Is that from the medical exam? Also i thought you have to wait for p4 (including medical exam forms) to do th exam, right? Thanks, wade
  12. Carl, thank u so much for always jumping in to help out. I guess "eligible for an interview" only means GZ has received the p3, but has NOT completed background check yet.
  13. I just called DOS. This time i was told GZ had just completed background check (today, Oct 27) on my fiancee's case. This answer is totally different from what i got in last few calls, in which i was told my fiancee was ready to be scheduled for an interview. I am wondering which date is used in GZ system for scheduling an interview, p3 registration date or background clearance date, or neither. At least the DOS lady told me "not necessarily based on p3 registration date".
  14. what do u mean by "transcripts"? Also does IRS have website for this or I have to contact local offices? Thanks
  15. I have two questions regarding to I-134. I would appreciate it much if u could shed some lights on them: 1. Can (or should) your 401k/ira be accounted/listed as part of your total assets? 2. I prepare my tax return every year with taxcut on my PC. Do i need to notarize/certify the copy i print off PC? Or i have to get an official copy, if so, where can i get it? Thanks in advance, Wade
  16. Does anyone know the procedure for blueslip? If get one, do u need another appointment to go back? If so, how u make the appointment? I have read some stories that say "...go back the next day", so I am wondering how they do it. Thanks, Wade
  17. I did have everything in English, except her mailing address considering how long it took for her to get p3. I have been doing like this since April. I guess they have a new system installed.
  18. I got exactly the same answer from dos. I called them 4/5 times, everytime the same thing, i guess the poeple are reading the same info on their computer system. Hopefully what they see and what they say are true, as i couldn't any response from GZ.
  19. I have been sending emails on regular base to GZ and I always have my fiancee's mail address (in Chinese) included, since she got a hard time to get her p3. I was totally ignored for a while, then for my last email (oct 23), I finally got a response, which didn't answer my questions at all, instead it said the system doesn't read Chinese chars... please resubmit the request in fax or mail. I am wondering how the system works, does it have a char filter? I guess i have to remind myself "be patient" a few times a day.
  20. Has anyone collected a list of questions for K1 interview? I would appreciate it much if you could share it. Thanks in advance, Wade
  21. I have been emailing or faxing GZ in the last few weeks on weekly basis. Somehow they totally ingore me. I did call dos and was told my finace is eligible for interview. But they have nothing more than that, e.g. if name check is complete and interview time frrame and so on. What shall i do to have GZ give me a response and a update on the status? Thanks, Wade
  22. Our P3 date is July 7, 2004. My fiance, just like others, is waiting patiently in Chongqing. She is looking for someone with similar experience in Chongqing to share the pain.
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