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Posts posted by Ying&Vin

  1. Any news from CA, or DOS today?

    I called DOS yesterday, my August interviewed fiance's name checking is still pending. The guy i told to even didn't want to heard the word of "August", I asked, "She was interviewed on August ", then he interrupted, "I don't have information?" What, did he knows what I will ask?

    I also email Harty, yesterday, surprisingly, she did reply, but she only told me that she forward my email to someone else, and they will reply to me! So bad, if she was not able to answer my question, who else? Or this just mean that she didn't want to answer me?

    I just tired of all this! I could not fall into sleep last night!

  2. Mark,

    Thank you very much for working so hard to all folks.


    This news really scare me to know Guangzhou Consolute in a big mess!!! Fortunately China has no any report of any Terrorists; otherwise, bad guys can get VISA.


    Therefore,  DoS must send additional personnels to help guangzhou for safety of USA public.


    Guangzhou US Consulate needs to organize their office well!!!! or at least OK. Now their files are in random!!


    RANDOM is very dangerous!!!


     :unsure:  :blink:  :(

    Yes, as I suspect those people in GZ have quite a mess on there hands.

    Hopfully what I was told is true and they get done within the nex 3-4 weeks.

    Mark does that include our Aug group people?

  3. Mark, I called CA this morning, and spoke to DOGlas too. Basically, I am getting the seam thing like you got. He did not give me anything or any hope at all.

    me: Why the department was able to issue visa for those who interviewed on September and November?

    He: Because they problem have been solved.

    me: Then how come there is not visa for August?

    He: Because their problem have not been solved.

    me: How could this happened? It really doesn't make scense to me!

    He: It does make scense!

    me: Isnt August supposed to come before September or November?

    He: September problem has been solve, so they got visa. And Mr. XX, I really don't know how to explain to you what make scense and what doesn't. And I don't really have much information to tell you. I am quite busy, bye!


    Then he cut off the phone! God, am I that fool? Am I making no scense to him?

    Mark, count me in to the letter! And I think, we need to call someone else beside DOGlas. Some thing need to be done!

    Did he really say Sept and Nov are resolved? Or you mean Oct and Nov.

    Sorry, lee


    I can't say that, but I am sure, when I asked him, I mentioned September and November, because I didn't see anyone in Oct got visa yet. And I am quite confuse with what makes sences and what doesn't while i was over the phone!


  4. Mark, I called CA this morning, and spoke to DOGlas too. Basically, I am getting the seam thing like you got. He did not give me anything or any hope at all.

    me: Why the department was able to issue visa for those who interviewed on September and November?

    He: Because they problem have been solved.

    me: Then how come there is not visa for August?

    He: Because their problem have not been solved.

    me: How could this happened? It really doesn't make scense to me!

    He: It does make scense!

    me: Isnt August supposed to come before September or November?

    He: September problem has been solve, so they got visa. And Mr. XX, I really don't know how to explain to you what make scense and what doesn't. And I don't really have much information to tell you. I am quite busy, bye!


    Then he cut off the phone! God, am I that fool? Am I making no scense to him?

    Mark, count me in to the letter! And I think, we need to call someone else beside DOGlas. Some thing need to be done!

  5. New guy here.  I took a stab at editing list of specific questions in the follow-up letter. 


    1) What is the current status of fiancée clearances in GZ?  Specifically, how many have been successfully cleared and how many are still pending?


    2) What is being done to get the backlog of name clearances caught up?  Are resources being re-allocated or added to deal with the cases that have been delayed the greatest length of time?


    3) Is there a plan to send help to GZ to get the backlog cleared quicker?  If not, why?


    4) The embassy in Russia posted info on the web to help keep people informed of the issuance. Are there plans for GZ to implement any information repository like this?  If not, why?


    5) When will the clearances for those interviewed in August, September and October be complete?  Has there been a deadline set for processing of these cases?


    6) What will the be the impact of the current delay on future K visa processing?

    Can you add one more point to the letter asking about the mess up of the name checking for Auguest interviews? Something like:


    What are you going to do with the Auguest interviewor' name checking? What is the order of issuing the visa?

  6. Yes, Mark, thanks for your phone number. It's my third time calling to consualte affair today, and finially when I got really really mad, asking "what do you expected us to do with this holiday? You don't care since your heart is not broken, do you?". The man said, "Please believe me, we are working very very hard to solve the problem, and we undertand your fraustration! Thousand of names from August has been sent to Guang-zhou." I asked, "You mean, one thousand of the name is all for interviewed on Auguest?", he said," yes". I asked, "Do you mean, all name interviewed on Auguest have been sent?" He said, "No."


    I really hope that some one can give me confident with what I heard.

  7. I called CA today as well, at the insistance of my wife.


    I got the run around basically. My wife had her interview on Aug 26th, and so far, it appears her name was not sent across in the batch of 5000 (the CA told me 2000). I complained about some people having interviews in Oct and Nov, and they are getting the letters to get their visas. But my wife who had it in Aug still has not been approved (the DOS says her case was not one of the thousands, and that it is not a matter of GZ just needing to enter it in the computer).


    HI got some story about how the unlucky people who had interviews in Aug fell into a bad slot. Basically, the august people's visas are very screwed up. Some people from Aug may be included in the current wave of releases,  but many of them have tow ait additional time while everything is caught up.


    Not fair at all...  :angry:  :(  :angry:  :huh:  :angry:  :blink:

    Did DOS told you that your fiance's name was on the list? I called a couple times already, and they never told me anything beside "your case is still pending". I hope that my lover's name is on the list! Good luck to all of us!

  8. I called DOS today, still pending for my case, Z, Y interviewed on 8/27. The lady I told to was not able to tell who's case has been sent to GZ, as i further request, she told me that only 500 name has been enter by GZ. People, only FIVE HUNDRED for more than 2 weeks since DOS release name to GZ? I can't really believe GZ dare to say they were working very hard to get this done! Base this speed, how long do we still need to wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole thing just so so stupid to us!

  9. Here is a new one to think about, a few people have been issued visa the same day as the interview, what are they doing to check their back ground of these people or are they just ignoring this process to keep the back log down. DOS claims to have the back log completed by the end of January does this include cases at GZ? Is there anyone who had their interview in August on a K-3  are you having any luck?

    is that true, Dos claimed to have back log completed by the end of January? That's a great news! Because it's kind of the bottom line for our name clear! I hope this is true! Thanks!

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