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Bill & Angel

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Posts posted by Bill & Angel

  1. it's almost been a year into this process,the only decent word to descibe it is "absurdity".i been one ,a die hard patriot of this country,i love America,but have increasingly become disappointed in this country,from this long drawn out immigrations process,no one should have to wait this long.to our politicians dragging their feet,on simple issues as,drilling for our own oil,if for no other reason,at least we can truely be independent,anyway i am moving into forbidden territory.

    well,i been calling DOS like every week,did the consulate get my petition...."no....bla,bla,bla,bla,bla.....this excuse,that excuse"i look on the dhl website my paperwork stuck in clearance delay,everyday for about the past two weeks,the same"clearance delay",anyway,last night,man i just started praying,because i feel so helpless,i know where the petition is,it's like,i feel like going over there and picking it up myself,entering it into the computer....and you know ....it's frustrating,absolutely frustrating.....anyway,today i looked on the DHL website,it is now "clearing process completed" and at dhl facility,hey,it's not the P3 package...or even a interview date,hell i will take any step closer i can get. anyway,i told God i would give him the glory,its cool if you don't believe,could be just a coincident,hey,for what its worth,i am a step closer,and thats cool,when all else fails,pray.






    What I was concerned about is whether or not, in the eyes of GUZ, my sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing is still considered to be a CCP member under US law even though she quit by becoming a non dues payer over six months ago. If I'm interpreting this 2 year time frame accurately then I am assuming they would still consider her a CCP member in which case she would have to answer "YES" in order to be honest and truthful about it which is exactly what we are trying to do.



    I would say that you are interpreting the US rule incorrectly. The US would prefer that you are not a CCP member, and that you haven't been for 2 years (I guess to give you time to forget all the propaganda). This does not mean that if it has been less than 2 years since you've quit that you're still considered to be a member.


    If she's not a member, and you answer "YES" to the question when they ask if she is a member, you are doing yourselves a disservice. In essence, you're not telling the truth, and in the direction of self-sabotage.


    Thanks for your input and more importantly thanks for blowing holes in my logic. As I mentioned in a previous post I would rather be asked the hard questions now amongst friends than to be blindsided later!


    If I am interpreting this correctly, according to US law, a past CCP member is still considered to be a member unless they quit the party at least 2 years, or as long as 5 years depending on membership status, prior to filing for a visa.


    Therefore, this being the case, any questions asked on the forms about being a current member of the CCP would have to be answered "YES" unless one quit at least 2 years, or 5 years depending on membership status, prior to being asked about it.


    Given this fact it's just a shame that the waiver process can't be put into motion when one files the P3 package instead of having to go through the additional expense and time by having to wait for the interview and basically show up to say "hi, I'm here to get a blue slip and ask for a waiver.".


    I think it would be pretty obvious that if you are listing CCP membership on your forms and/or answering "YES" on the questions that GUZ is not going to simply overlook it and give you a pink, sounds like it should be an automatic blue to me so why not allow people to fess up and start the waiver process early? Seems like it would save everyone a lot of time and frustration dealing with this issue.


    I'm seriously considering attending an ACH meeting so I can tell them about our situation, ask if we've addressed it properly so we can avoid all future problems and ask why the waiver process can't be started earlier.



    I don't think it blows holes in your logic. Just because there is the stipulation that you must have quit 2 years prior to filing for the visa to clear this requirement, this does not change the accuracy of your answers. If they ask you "Are you a member of the CCP?" the answer is still "No". If they ask you "Were you ever a member?" the answer would be "Yes". It would be up to them to ask "When did your membership end?"


    This worked... I guess I didn't use a big enough range... it actually didn't leave until 4 or 5 days after the NVC said it was forwarded, I guess that's why I didn't get any results when i tried. Thanks.


    So you are saying that I should expect them to process mine 2 months from the date they received the papers? They did received my already, signed by a stamp.


    The DHL package contains many people's documents, yours included. This package will sit in their mailroom unopened until they have time to get to it. It can take from 1 to 2 months (it took them 2 months before they opened ours). Once they process it in, it was pretty quick turn around to sending out the P3 (about 1 week).


    I'm not sure what you meant by "They did received my already, signed by a stamp."

  5. apparently guz doesn't actually mail the p-4 on the day dos tells you. according to dos our p-4 was mailed on june 16th, however, it didn't show up on the ems tracking as being mailed until june 19th. hope this helps others anxiously awaiting their p-4.


    Can you tell me the URL of where you checked the status of the EMS package?

  6. Hi everyone,

    In the form OF-169 the first check marks is asking for getting an EMC Label from the China post office.

    How do you get it?

    What is it?

    We are waiting for NVC approval at this time.



    It's actually an EMS label, and it is used by the consulate to mail out your P4. My SO got two EMS labels, one to mail the P3 back to Guangzhou, and one placed in the package for the consulate to use to send out the P4. This way we can track the P3 back to Guangzhou and also track the P4. All I need now is the website URL where I can actually track it... doh!




    EMS is an international postal Express Mail Service offered by postal-administration members of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). The UPU, a specialized agency of the United Nations, promotes the harmonization of postal services worldwide.


    They have a website, wherein you can enter the tracking number to check on the status of a given item.


    The EMS number is generated and a receipt provided, at the time the item is mailed/entered into the system, by the client.


    For us, it was P-3 received on the 14th, returned on the 15th, EMS delivery confirmation at Shamian Is. on the 16th, and then P-3 processed by GUZ on the 30th of the month, 14 days in processing.


    What is the website where you can track the EMS package?



  8. I have tried and tried to find the threads that discuss tracking shipments from NVC to the US Embassy... can anyone help?


    NVC sent you a letter. In the top right is the date of the letter. Use that date on the DHL website. For example:


    My letter had the date of May 9, 2008.


    I went to DHL (http://track.dhl-usa.com/) and click on track by reference. Next to reference I put "EXP 09 MAY 2008B". I then set the pickup date range to be pretty big, and then click on track.


    I received a list of 5 packages, only one that is going to Guangzhou. That is the package that includes my I-129F.


    NOTE: Tracking the package will show you when it arrives to Guangzhou, but after that, you'll see "Clearance Delay" for a lot of days, which really only means that the consulate has not processed the package yet. They didn't process our for about 2 months.

  9. He's also good at email. We recently emailed him about a possible interview this Autumn, and he was very helpful. Looking forward to meeting them. :yahoo:


    Ok, I was planning on waiting for our trip here to end before I began praising Mr. Yang. However, I just can't! Hubby is also telling me to write about him now. Hehe.


    When we first got here, Mr. Yang met us at the consulate and helped us with our bags. The room was not ready so he let us lounge around in his home while his wife and mom cleaned the room for us. They cleaned it so well and we came back took a shower. The next day Mr. Yang met us at 7:30 am and took us to the Shamian Physical Center to get hubby's medical. Mr. Yang patiently waited over an hour and a half for hubby to finish his medical and we all went back together. Today, Mr. Yang brought us a new bed because the one bed was kind of small for hubby and I (it was a twin I think).


    After we came back to the hotel we found that Mr. Yang had brought us some nice fluffy pillows and also put a nice bamboo mat on the sofa for us to keep cool.


    We were lounging around and Mr. Yang came by to check on us. At that time hubby was just going out to buy hand soap and tissue. Mr. Yang told us he had some soap in his home that he would bring down for us. Hubby went out to buy tissue and on the way he bumped into Mr. Yang! Mr. Yang had gone out to buy soap! Hubby came home looking a little teary eyed, and said he bumped into Mr. Yang buying soap while he was out buying tissue. Hubby was so moved and I almost cried! My mom really almost cried too! Hubby is still raging about how great Mr. Yang is and I totally agree!


    Three cheers for Mr. Yang!!!! :toot: :) :) :cheering:



    I understand completely! Sorry you can't be there. I also was not sure about going for the interview but I just couldn't resist going.


    Good Luck on the 6th!




    Is there any way to coordinate / plan for a specific interview date? Is the interview date tied to the P4 return? If you want the longest leeway between P4 and interview, what would be the best time frame to return the P4? Or is it just a crap-shoot regardless?

  11. Typically in the past it has gone something like this -


    They will begin scheduling interviews for the last week of Sept around July 22. They move backward through the month, and will usually finish scheduling for Sept by the 1st or 2nd week of August. Worst case (shortest notice) would be an interview on Sept 1 scheduled on Aug 15 (2 weeks notice), but this is rare.


    Oh, that would be difficult. 2 week notice to make preparations for another visit to China... ugh! :)

  12. Hello everyone,


    I am a new member as of yesterday and this is my first post, I hope I'm placing it in the correct forum. My sweet fianc¨¦e Haiqing copied and pasted Brian's wonderful account of his fianc¨¦e's interview experience and sent it to me in an email which made me search out and find this website, thank you Brian. I've been reading many of the posts and I appreciate the many experiences and wealth of information available here. During my reading I came across something that has thrown up a red flag of concern for me. Under "links and resources" there is a pinned post titled "Interview Preparation, Kitchen Sink, questions, etc", under "Top 10 Most Common Questions" is number 10. Are you a communist? [Establishes any ineligibility] ... RED FLAG!!!


    Here is the situation: My fianc¨¦e Haiqing is a member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party). She has been a member for many years since she was in her last year of college where she did very well and it was strongly recommended to her that she join in order to secure a better job and ensure her future and being young at the time she joined. She has never been involved in the party other than paying dues. She has never been a director of any board nor attended any meetings or any other organized events. Her only purpose for being a member was to secure a better job which has allowed he to do better than she might have otherwise. She has stopped paying dues, even though this could jeopardize her job, as of January 23, 2008 when we sent in our I-129 K1/K2 visa package and from what I understand that since she has stopped paying dues her membership in the CCP will automatically expire at some point but I don't know when that is.


    I have told her that if any of the forms ask if she is a member of the CCP to say yes and tell the truth and to also answer honestly to the VO during her interview or to anyone else at the US Embassy as lying will guarantee a denial of a visa and could jeopardize any future hopes of getting one whereas telling the truth may only delay getting a visa and we can deal with that. She has written a letter of explanation regarding how and why she is a member of the CCP and that she would willingly relinquish any allegiance to such.


    My questions are this: Has anyone had any experience with this matter and has it caused a delay (blue) or denial (white) paper during their interview? Has anyone had the same situation and received an approval (pink)? Would it be a good idea for her to include her letter of explanation with her P3 package when she returns it to the Embassy rather than be asked about it at the interview and not be able to show the letter? In general, how best to handle this?


    Also, any other information relating to this subject that would help our situation would be greatly appreciated.


    Best to all,



    Welcome to CFL Bob!


    Not an expert on overcoming the CCP thing, but many others have overcome this snag. My situation is interesting in that my fiancee is a government worker, and she happens to be the *only* one in her office that is *not* member of the CCP. I guess her coworkers teased her about that for awhile, but her reason was simply that she did not want to pay dues. I think most people in China look at the CCP simply as an organization that charges dues, or in the case of your girl, an organization that can help you get a job. Most Chinese have great pride in their country, but I'm not so sure they have great pride in (or even any understanding of) the CCP.

  13. Try this DOS Inquiry (202) 663-1225 /1/0

    Pass the recording by pressing one, then 0, it will put you in the waiting queue.


    Aha... pressing 1 quickly is the key. This did work. Pressing 0 also interrupted the "last message" and attempted to find me an operator. However, now I hit the time difference snag. It's only 3:30 PM here, but I guess DOS is on the east coast, so they are already closed. I'll give this another try tomorrow.




    Has anyone actually had luck reaching a live person at the consulate visa office? I have tried to contact them several times, and I have never been able to reach a live person, not has any calls or emails been responded to. Sometimes I wonder if the consulate has been abandoned.

    I called the DOS# 202.663.1225, then the ext. # 100, this is where I receive the send out date.


    I tried calling this number, and it's a recorded message. I tried pressing ext 100, but nothing I press is recognized... the recording just rambles on until it's completed (and it's long). At the end, he says "for additional info press 1 now". I tried to press 100 again, but it thinks I pressed 1, and he just repeats the entire spiel... *sigh*


    Are you sure this is the number you used?

  15. Thanks for your replies, It seems the K1 packet 3 may have been sent out during April, possible lost in the mail..

    Call DOS Visa services about this, http://travel.state.gov/about/info/info_308.html#visa if they tell you that the consulate sent out the instruction packet (P3) you can just do the OF-169 and DS-230 part 1 ...


    Has anyone actually had luck reaching a live person at the consulate visa office? I have tried to contact them several times, and I have never been able to reach a live person, not has any calls or emails been responded to. Sometimes I wonder if the consulate has been abandoned.

  16. Thanks for your replies, It seems the K1 packet 3 may have been sent out during April, possible lost in the mail..


    How did you come to the conclusion that your P3 was sent out? As far as I can tell, I won't know that the consulate sent the P3 packet to my fiancee until she actually receives it. If there is way to determine it has been sent, please let me know.



  17. Thanks for the information. I suspected the clearance delay status was "stock" text, but wanted to get an idea of times. I guess, also, when I get into this wait pattern, I like to make more posts so that I don't feel alone in this. :)


    I definitely did not make the 2 weeks end of the wait times, but I hope it doesn't go 12 weeks. :huh: But as you say, there's nothing I can do.


    DHL cleareance delay - uh - it ain't what it really says it is.


    It's the only 'status' that DHL will use, though.


    It's not stuck in China Customs, its not waiting clearance.


    IT IS however stored in a bonded warehouse, waiting to be picked up by USA employees / couriers . It will wait there until the next round of 'lets pick up some more shipments' comes about at GUZ.


    If you'll go to the google at google.com (Use the Internets, just like ol George W does, ya?) -

    and then enter: site:candleforlove.com DHL clearance delays


    You'll find all the scoop about it !

    MAYBE it's even in the EZ-FAQ as well (mind is muddled, can't recall exactly).


    Hang in there - it could take from 2 weeks to 12 weeks to get logged into the GUZ computer from the first date/time stamp of 'Customs Clearance Delay' - there's nothing you can do to speed along 'that' process.

  18. NVC sent mine file out on 05/20/08 but as of today, DHL still says clearance delay too. I am a section 64. What about you? From another website, I know some section 59 people just got their P3 last week, so I guess I still have some waiting to do.


    I'm section 62. Waiting is the primary ingredient of this process, isn't it?

  19. Hi All,

    After a long long wait of getting our NOA2 approved, now I find myself checking the DHL status of my petition's delivery to the Guangzhou consulate daily. It actually arrived in Guangzhou on 5/11, and here it is 6/9, and DHL's status still shows "Clearance Delay" (meaning that the consulate has not yet accepted the documents). DHL indicated that the weight had a factor (my petition came in a 53 pound box of other petitions and documents from the US State Dept). It's almost a month now.

    I've tried to call 3 different phone numbers listed for the consulate, as well as using the web form, but it seems impossible to talk to a live person on the phone, and web form inquiries have gone unanswered. Is there a magic number or code that I need?

    I was just wondering if others had experienced wait periods this long. How long did it take between NVC sending your petition and the consulate actually receiving and processing the delivery?


    PS: Here's a terrific slideshow on the heroes of Sichuan.

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