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Posts posted by dale7570

  1. here is more detail. my 1040 shows prior year NOL -62,000 on line 21. this causes line 22 my gross income to be -25,000. i think nol is depreciation of assets, but i'm not sure. so the bottom line is -25,000 gross income and 0 taxable income. if i need a co-sponser that will be difficult for me to find one. any suggestions are greatly appreciated as i am stressing out! :(

  2. hello to all. i am self-employed with $0 taxable income thanks to many deductions on equipment, depreciation, etc. i own my house (worth about $150k) and i have some savings in the bank, so i qualify based on assts. will the vo accept my assts or will he say i don't make enough money? i have read that the vo's like to see income so i am wondering if you guys think i will have a problem? if i had to i could do an income statement and show my bank deposits which will show i make about $25k per year. would this be helpful?

  3. hello to all. i just had a long conversation with my brazilian ex-wife. she knows a lot about immigration. i learned from her that she has several friends that overstayed their visitors visa several years then married a usc and were able to adjust status and get a green card. is this normal procedure? why do we have to jump through hoops to get our loved ones here to do it the right way? i really don't understand this as i thought if you overstayed your visitors visa over 1 year you would be deported.

  4. i met my fiancee through a website called my foreign bride. this site is not compliant with the imbra law, but they charge men and women the same fees to join. i have read that the vo can deny the visa if you meet your fiancee on a site that is not imbra compliant. i am very concerned about this and hope someone can ease my mind a little bit. i am currently in the early phase of the k-1 process.

  5. hello to everyone. i am in the early stages of the k-1 process. my fiancee lives in china and her daughter turned 17 on feb. 10th. my fiancee's ex has custody and will not give permission for the daughter to come to the usa. in addition, my fiancee wishes for her daughter to attend college in china and then bring her to america. her daughter will be 22 at this time. can someone please advise me on my options on how to do this? we will get married before the child turns 18.

  6. yes, you will need to get all of these documents translated into english by a certified translator. it usually comes in a white booklet with the pages glued at the center with a embossed seal on the outside and red seals on the chinese pages. it should also state that this is a accurate translation of the document. i would get 2-3 translations of each or have the translator to make color copies before he glues it together because its difficult to make copies without tearing the book apart. hope this helps.

  7. hello everyone, i have 2 questions. 1. i had to use attachments for I-129F and G-325A for all my fiancee's addresses. do you think this can cause a probem? 2. does anyone know if the consulate in china will use the address for my fiancee written in english from from question 2 on the i129f or do they use the address written in chinese from question 16? i was curious if anyone had address issues.

  8. i just returned from china to visit my fiancee and while i was there i had her divorce certicate translated into english. my problem is that the translation states it certifies it is in conformity with the chinese one but it doesn't state that the translator is fluent in both chinese and english or is competent to perform the translation. also, on the signature line he typed his signature. i need some help on this one. should i ask them to email the proper info? but then the signature won't be original, if i ask him to sign it. any help will be appreciated.

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