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Posts posted by Jason+Joanna

  1. Thanks again.


    I am going to the interview. I am now in the process of getting my employement letter from my HR department. I also in the processes of getting my I-134 notarized. I still need a couple more weekends to make sure the home is ship-shape. I started a home improvement project at the end of May, and I am almost completed (finally)...



    Seems like the ball is rolling again, Selina called me today and informed we our interview is set for September 8th.


    (Note: my username was Riki3742, for some reason could not log on..created new name.)


    Congrats to all who have been waiting patiently and still have been able to maintain their sense of humor, not to mention sanity. I have been feeling the wrath of my baby the past few weeks due to the delay, somehow she thought I was involved in some sort of conspiracy to keep her from me...


    -Eric :greenblob:


    I am calling DOS, since GUZ has not returned an answer to my query. It seems we are about the same timeline. Rosyanne may also want to call, she may also have some good news waiting....

  3. I have been looking at everyones time line who has gotten a P4 today. It seems that the pattern is that you get a P4 today IF you have been entered into the GUZ computer anytime within the first 10 days or so of April. Our P4 was entered within the second 10 days of April. So MAYBE next week ???

    That would certainly sync up with the timeline prediction.

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