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About missingher

  • Birthday 03/24/1972
  1. dont worry about it! my wife tested positive for hepa b they told us just to have her checked out once she was here so we did it turns out she was just a carrier and is not contagious. they only worry about a disease that is of great concern to the public ( like aids or tuberculosis that is active). hepa-A is what you would get if eating contaminated foods. hepa-b can be passed on to a child from a mother who has hepa-B and while pregnent. and can be spread just like aids and is contagious; I-V drug use sexual contant any exchangin of bodily fluids. hepa-C is usualy caused be a damaged liver and is contagious from direct contact with blood from the infected person.
  2. i have bluecross bluesheild when your work as its open enrollment it usually happend yearly where i work all i did was put her name down listed her as spouse they never asked for a ssn (afterwards). she is covered now so i'm sure if you have bluecross or any other insurance policy it shouldn't be a problem .
  3. congrats!!!!!!!!!! my wife passed her interview yesterday so i know how great i feels to have that stuff finaly off your backs! best of luck to you and your future together!
  4. WOHOOOO((((((((((((( My beautiful wife passed her visa interview with flying colors!!! I was waiting on pins and needles at work for 2 hours waiting for my wife to call me with the results of her interview. my heart would beat to hard every single time the phone rang at work hoping it was my wife. it there was at leased 4 calls that got my blood pressure thru the room. then at 9:00pm (10:00am hong kong time) i heard my name over the intercom i think i ran to the phone my heart was racing! i was praying on the way to the phone when i picked it up and said hello i heard my wifes voice screaming with excitement " I PASSED! I PASSED! with flying colors. all i could say was i love you honey and was lost for words with a HUGE smile in my face my friend that was standing next to me when i got the call knew right away that my wife passed and gave me a hug and asked to talk to my wife to congratulate her. i think that was the longest day of my life and i had 3 more hours before i got off of work i could not wait to get home to here all the details! next to the day i married my wife i think it was the most happiest day of my life hearing those words flow out of my wifes mouth. god truely blessed me the day i married her and i was blessed again on 10-19-05 ( 10-18-05 here). i will post all the details of the interview after i calm down right now my head is in the clouds ( way in them). thanks to all that helped answered the many many question we had and for all the advice and suppport! GOD BLESS YOU ALL and i pray for a fast and happy ending for you all good to all ! todd & dhel.
  5. i know this has been asked on here 1,000,000 times but i need some comforting here ? ( LOL) we got married in hong kong and that is where there interview will be taking place. i will not be able to make it to the interview unfortunately ( unless i win the lottery). i don't have enough paid time off to make the trip. the PTO i do have i planned on using it when my wife gets here. plus i can't afford to go do you think me not being there will afect the VO's decision? i know ADAMCHLIDRESS got married and had their interview in hong kong also but he was able to attend the interview. he emailed me telling me about the process and it kinda made me feel it was better that he was in fact there for his wife. well any info will be helpful! thanks! todd and dhel
  6. hi just wanted everyone to know my wife finaly got her interview date today she will get her interview 10-19-05 in hong kong where we got married!!!!!!!!!! i'm so excited but nervous at same time its been a long time! please pray for us !!!!!!! i will keep you all posted on the outcome of the interview. thanks! todd and dhel
  7. is hepatitas B a disease that would prevent a spouse from getting their immigrant visa? i checked the hong kong website but all i found was a link saying that a communicable disease of significance to public health would cause a visa to be denied! for example tuberculosis. any help would be appreciated!
  8. she could have just put N/A (not applicable) instead of leaving it blank. but it is a minor thing they might just have fill it in there at the interview but they might not even bother it not a big deal.
  9. my wife had moved away for 3 months now we forgort to notify the nvc about the move ( very stupid i know but we have both been so busy) so now the hong kong consulate has our case and my wife received her p3 packet so how should we go about telling the consulate about this and will it be hard now that the p3 has been received? my wife is a filipina her work contract expired in hong kong so she wanted to go back to the philippines to visit her family before she came to the U.S being that our case was almost complete she didn't plan on staying with her family for more than a month and she would just go back to Hong kong once she received her p3. again we thought she was going to get the p3 after a month or so of her going back to the philipines so since she was just visiting her parents and didn't really move there we didn't think we would need to do a change of address but it has been 3 months or so and she is planning to go back to hong kong to get the things done there that the p3 asked for. she will be going back there early next week. and they needed another more recent affidavat of support and on there it asked her current address so know i'm very confused and concerned on what to do. i'm just worried now that this might be a big deal and prolong the process even longer. so if anyone could help us we would really appreciate it thanks.
  10. hi i just read your post i just wanted to wish you both the best of luck! me and my wife were married in hk also we got married 06-20-04 pretty close to your wedding date! well our case was sent to hk recently and we are waiting for them to contact my wife for her interview. how did they contact you wife and how long after the consulate in hk received your file did they contact her ??????? any info would help i know what you are going thru! thanks
  11. our file was sent to hong kong where we were married! it was sent on aug 9th. now we are just waiting for the consulate there to contact my wife for her visa interview. I HOPE IT WON'T TAKE LONG!!!! I just wanted to let everyone on here know that we are almost there! PLEASE PRAY FOR US!!! god bless you all and many thanks for all the advice from you all that got us this far! I will keep everyone on here posted on her interview date and how the interview went! thanks! todd and citadel
  12. we are doing the CR-1 visa and when i called the NVC the 24 status line said our file was proccessed and aproved and was sent to the kong kong consulate on aug.09th and to contact them for further questions on our case. our case is a little different my wife is a filipina that was working and living in hong kong. we got married in hong kong june 20 2004 we have known each other for 3 years. she is now back in the philippines visitting with her family and waiting to get the interview date. we a re wondering how much longer we have to wait and what else does she need to fill out. everything is paid for ( fees for visa and paperwork) and approved we just dont know when she woll get her interview date and what other paperwork she will have to. i understand the she will get her medical and her police backround check in hong kong.
  13. I found out friday that the nvc completed out file! what is next? do they send anything else to me? do they send it to the hong kong consulate ( we were married in hk). how long after the consulate receives our file does it take to tell us our interview date?' are there more papers for my wife to fill out?
  14. just was wondering could i fax a copy of the ds-230 part 1 to my wife for her to sign? A fax is a exact copy right>?? please let me know what you think of this! thanks! todd
  15. I had to get the same thing when i married my wife in hong kong! go to the marriage and birth record certificates office for your state usually the health department and have them search for your name to see if you have ever been registered to get married and have them put it writing that there is nothing on record of you being married and MAKE SURE YOU GET IT NORTORIZED. best of luck!! todd
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