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Everything posted by hopelives

  1. I have been to Lhasa, I have seen with my own eyes the rapid influx of Han's into Tibet. You would have to be naive if you don't believe part of the reason is to overwhelm the Tibetan culture in order to control the population. As far as the first point, Dozens being killed pales in comparison to some thugs interrupting a procession I think not. By the way, the poor young disabled women who was assaulted has come under cyber attack for having the temerity to suggest a boycott of the French retailer Carrefour is ill-advised http://www.salon.com/tech/htww/index.html
  2. Of course the violence of the protestors pales in comparison to the level of violence inflicted by the chinese govt upon the Tibetans and the attempt to obliterate their culture by flooding the region with Han's is shameful
  3. You can explain to them she doesn't have one at this time and ask them to process the request. They are wanting to run a credit check on your wife. Links at SSA: Can a noncitizen obtain a Social Security number to get a driver's license? I am lawfully admitted to the United States, but not allowed to work. I still need a Social Security number. How do I obtain one? Basically, if they can not provide one of the following, they can not require an SSN for the purpose of doing business with her: A federal statute or regulation requires the noncitizen to provide an SSN to get a particular benefit or service; or A state or local law requires the noncitizen to provide a SSN to get general assistance benefits. Great Information thanks
  4. Checked with local utilty on process for adding wife to the account for the I-130, and I received an email requesting social security number. Oh Well, I will call on Monday, but a little "catch-22" action coming my way Jim
  5. these 2 year timelines are making me sick, am I am offbase with the idea that a cr1 averages 1 year-jim
  6. Waiting for that damn P2 almost killed me. I was one ranting/raving mad-man while the Kafkaesque process crawled along. It really does get better. wow such a gap between P3 and 4 is that the switchover from CSC to Guz
  7. this hits it out of the park-process the paperwork-issue the visa-extensive interview before the 10 year-so simple
  8. those figures are all the proof you need that the system is briken, that is obscene
  9. That's only available (the second one) if she has an SSN yes bad luck no stimulus check for her, but that would have been just what China needed more US currency
  10. you have to file a w7 for her tax id, I think i saw somewhere on this site that you have to declare her income and then deduct since it was overseas, but check with the IRS http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw7.pdf
  11. Since when is a short courtship a red flag? Maybe that's why the main color of the chinese flag is red... they are ready for a relationship so quickly? This is mostly urban legend... MOST filers through china are probably short courtships. Here is the only concern I have If she's ready to marry and you are not, then don't marry and don't file anything, including K1... I see nothing wrong with her wanting to get married... and it may be that 'face' is not being figured in this at the start (she or family want this) and in the end (loss of face to family if she were to divorce anyway). So... IMO, based on 'face' issues, it doesn't add up as a concern or worry. Just because says 'family wants this'... I would not necessary take that as 100% only famly... but it could be... it's really hard to know with some chinese who have a tendency to put the reason on someone else for something. My opinion is.. if she is the right girl to file for, why is she not the right girl to marry? One year of filing will make her the right girl? She wants the right man and is ready to make that step now. I'm not hearing any reason NOT to marry... except I'm hearing eastern pragmatism vs western skepticism so far... great post-we are registering to marry in June with a formal ceremony later in the year-thanks to everyone for the information and the encouragement- and the wise old hands were right it is a face issue-Jim Has anyone else used this book with success-Jim- Yanping great story and great success with the arrival of your wife-Jim
  12. The "know-nothings" come around every 100 years or so, and their movement eventually loses steam waiting for the next revival, but in the hyper -competitve global economy their shortsightedness could have devestating effects http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/24/nyregion...&ei=5087%0A We dominate the world's culture and don't think for a minute that is not a significant factor in our attractiveness as a place to live; does anyone think if we were a country of Wasp's we would still dominate the world stage. Pat Boone instead of Jay-Z- nah I don't think so
  13. not same for K3. --- Each case is really individual and to go for either one is usually going to contain more issues and concerns than are shared or even understood at the time. A K3 has served alot of people very well and was started for a good reason... mostly in the past but at least it is still an option now. If the lady really has no need/desire to work and just wants to get over quickly as a spouse, then a K3 will probably be statistically faster. But realize that an SOs desire to get here 'faster' may simply be a desire to get life moving to the next step.. and if they get here and cannot move to a next step of work, then a K3 will be frustrating once in the US at a time you don't want petty issues. But I would say that the decision should be as rational as possible and not get caught up in "faster is better"... this is very subjective and often looking at only one phase (getting to the US and not considering what the next steps will require once in the US). Again, for the general spousal case, my personal opinion is that a CR1 is OVERALL the better path if one looks at the 2 year process of getting the GC. But the K3 is a good choice for some. Yes David, And also, it may not just be the wife that feels this way. It may in fact be the USC and/or it may be a joint view/decision. Others should not try to impart/transfer their individual life circumstance on those who may have differing life circumstances. Shit, I will be fully retired on June 1st, after 33 hard years of honorable service. Therefore, I am not going to send Lao Po, freshly arrived in this country, off to work everyday. And in our situation, she will not be left home alone all day, as I will no longer be working 10 hour days. I will have retired in the upper management ranks of my agency and I feel blessed that my retirement package is excellent, and includes medical and dental coverage for Lao Po and daughter. She too, has worked her butt off all of her life, and always as a single mom to boot. We plan on jointly doing some part-time internet importing business here in the US, facilitated with her family members in GZ, who are principals in varied manufacturing companies in that region, and otherwise just enjoy life and our children together. Also we plan on a lot of RV travel within the US. Moreover, in about two weeks, we will have been married for 17 months. By the time she arrives and our AOS paperwork is processed, we will have been married two years, and she will be eligible for the ten year GC. Also, as has been discussed, the K-3 and K-4, allow for travel back and forth to China without AP; therefore, all of [our] needs are met with the K-3, pending AOS. Yes, we are ready to get on with the rest of our life, and as soon as possible. K-3 and K-4 works for me/us, in my/our situation. For those who do not care about a longer wait, and wish to have their spouse fully adjusted and eligible to go out in the job market, shortly after arrival; then the CR-1 will work for them, that is their joint choice/decision. Congratulatuions on your well earned retirement Roger- 33 years in the same organization, tragically you are the part of a dying breed -jim
  14. http://www.ilw.com/articles/2006,0323-ellis.shtm this is critically important advice! Any thought or maybe it has already been done of pinning a list of top flight lawyers that know the inner workings of Guangzhou-jim
  15. wow such honest forthright assesments by all of you, I really do appreciate your advice, and please keep the information flowing. I spoke with the SO today and she said life is to important to make a mistake in such a momentous decision so no timetables, more important to put our relationship in the best possible place for success, so when and if we are ready. we will marry.
  16. Jim, Understand your point, but it is family that wants this- mother primarily. Look I know never say never, but I am highly confident she is not a scammer. The driving force for early marriage is me. She is hesitant, but unserstands the baby part. jim
  17. My Yanzi does not want to come to America unmarried. For me, I will do anything I can to support her decision. Now for those of you who tread cautiously, I am convinced she is not a "green card scammer" we were introduced by a mutual friend a prominent CPA in my city. She has never advertised on websites for foreign man, and she has told me many times; that six months ago the thought of a foreign husband would have been unthinkable. Like that counting crow¡¯s song she reluctantly fell in love. Here are the facts: My income level is well above the poverty line Own my own house I have never been married She owns her apartment Modest income Sells insurance She is from a city that as far as I know is not notorious for green card scammers (Liuzhou) Divorced with daughter Father has custody He is moderately successful business man Language gap, at this point significant but she is taking night classes and her teacher has publically announced her as the best student in the class, but given the quality of instruction in China. I know high competency in English will not occur until she arrives Plan is for marriage on my next visit which will be my second Third or fourth visit will be for interview Age difference; 10 years my favor Steps to help prove legitimacy of relationship 1, Shared bank account in China 2, If possible add her to utility bills here in America (saw that suggestion on this site) 3, File a joint return for 2008, which given the length of this process will apply before interview 4, Affidavits from her relatives 5, Plenty of pictures, emails, chat etc Now why are we moving so fast, both of us are not getting younger but both of us are still young enough to start our own family. Yanzi is 34, as some on this site know all to well, a women¡¯s ability to conceive decreases dramatically past the age of 35. I am reaching an age where my ability to produce offspring begins to decline. We are great together both of us are goofballs who share an innate ability to make the other laugh. She is the kindest, warmest person I have ever known and what a beauty. When I first arrived, we had a translator for 2 days then we had dueling electronic translators (go with besta they kick everyone else¡¯s ass) for the remaining three weeks. I know that a short courtship is a huge red flag for GUZ, but I am hoping my middle class income, home ownership, and fanatical preparation, with this sites help, gives us a fighting chance for what statistically is the hardest visa: the CR1. I have read the statue that applies to our case, and the standards for rejecting our application is suppose to be very high once we get NSC approval, but we all know that we are at the mercy of GUZ. I will attempt to change her mind if I am compelled, by my research, to conclude that pursuing a CR1 is foolhardy and change direction to a K1. In my heart, I want to grant her this wish That is why I appeal to the wise old hands involved in this family of CVPL to point me in the direction of the light. Thanks in advance Jim
  18. This wonderful news-congratulations-Jim
  19. Wow this is why this site is so great, and insightful post and an unsolicited offer of help-jim
  20. If I am getting stuck with an additional 1000 dollar fee even though I am going CR1, then this really sucks
  21. Lucky I noticed the small print on the USCIS website- jim Note: Applicants who reside in the jurisdiction of the Baltimore, MD USCIS District Office need to file their concurrent Form I-130/Form I-485 package with the Chicago Lockbox according to the filing instructions on Form I-485 for family-based adjustment of status applicants.
  22. i know the sample is low, but that CR1 approval rate is scary. Is it the automatic green card bringing the average down, a higher burden or proof-jim
  23. I am sorry for confusion -our options are k3 or cr 1 thanks jim
  24. Seems to be some anecdotal evidence that the time gap between a CR1 application and a K1/K3 application is shrinking. Any hard evidence to support this hypothesis thanks Jim
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