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Everything posted by Reddragon75

  1. Any kind of sex tour in any country sounds unappealing to me. Sex with someone you don't know is just...well...sex. That's not what I was looking for. I wanted to find the right person for me, settle down, have a family. Thankfully, I have found what I was looking for. But you know....I never thought of it from the other perspective. I always only have thought about the aspect of a woman trying to scam a guy. I never really thought about the fact that some guys mislead these women and go over there for a "sex safari" and have no intention of a serious relationship. But...like they say..."there are 2 sides to a coin."
  2. This is a good discussion. I have talked to my fiancee before about it. She has a college degree in Accounting, and her English is pretty good. She works as an accountant/bookkeeper for a reputable company in Nanning and has had many years of experience in this field. However, we don't know how likely it will be for her to get that same kind of job after she arrives here in the US. She doesn't think her English is good enough to work in that kind of job here. I hate to say it, but she might be right. She has been working on her English, and just since the time we first met, it has greatly improved. And, I know that after she gets here and gets used to hearing English on a regular basis, it will maybe get to the point where she speaks it better than most Americans. I don't live in what could be called a big city, so the jobs available in her field of experience are rather limited here. But, that is ok because we have already discussed the fact that after I graduate, we will more than likely be moving to a different city because the job availability for my field is even more limited here than hers. She is ok with this, but I still have at least a couple years until graduation and she wants to work during that time. I did tell her that she might have to work in a restaurant or department store for awhile until she could get a job in her field, and she doesn't have a problem with that. I also told her that if she is not comfortable enough with her English skills, she could possibly work in a Chinese restaurant(my city has plenty of those) until she thinks she is comfortable enough to work somewhere else. She said that is probably what she will do. Actually, since it is very likely that we will be moving after I graduate, it would probably be a good idea for her not to worry so much about getting her "ideal" job right away. After we move, there will be more availabilities in the job market for both of us. Amanda...my suggestion to you is to talk to your husband about it when the time comes to do so.
  3. Hmmm....If I end up living in China, I don't think I would have a car anyway. I mean...I would miss driving, but after visiting Nanning and seeing all the traffic...I figure I would have to be suicidal to drive there.
  4. Hey all...me again I see that there is a Form I-864A too??!! What the heck is that for? Ok...I know what it is (I actually CAN read ), but I am not sure if I will need to use it. Basically, my dad AND stepmom are going to be joint sponsors. Does my dad fill out the I-864 since he is the primary joint sponsor, and my stepmom use the I-864A because she is a household member? Or....do they both use the I-864 forms? I mean...I realize that I am a natural blonde, but I am a fairly intelligent person and.....some of this stuff is SO CONFUSING!! It makes me kind of scared because I know that where I am in the process now is easy compared to what we will have to go through later.
  5. I was also using calling cards for a couple months. I thought that the receipts that I had that showed the card activation would be sufficient for our future interview. Thankfully, I found out through CFL that the receipts would NOT prove to the USCIS that we kept in contact by phone. The reason in my case was that the receipts only showed that I BOUGHT the card...it didn't actually prove that I used it to make the calls. Other members here suggested to me a few different websites for international calling plans. I checked them out and decided to go with onesuite.com. When you use a service such as this, you can print out your call history and that will actually prove to them that you kept in regular contact by phone. The one I use shows what number you called from, the date of the call, as well as the number you called. I hope I helped at least a little bit. For once, I would like to be on the giving end of advice.
  6. Hello all. I plan on beginning the process of earning a TEFL certification, but I do not yet have my Bachelor's degree(currently a Junior). My university offers the certification course for undergraduates and I am thinking about whether or not to do it now, or wait until I get my Bachelor's degree and do it as a grad student. Long story short...as you can see from my timeline, I and my fiancee are currently going through the K1 visa process. Although I am fairly confident that we will get approval...there is no certainty in life. I have already discussed the possibility of a denial with my fiancee. She has already expressed to me many times that she doesn't care where we live, as long as we are together. I told her that I am perfectly willing to move there with her, but obviously I need a job. I already know that it would be teaching English. Basically....my question is: What are the odds of me getting a teaching job in China with the TEFL certification, but without a Bachelor's degree? I am trying to plan for the worst outcome of our case. If there is a possibility that I could get a teaching job without the degree, then I would like to begin the certification ASAP. But if there is not even the slightest possibilty of getting a job there, then I might as well wait until I earn my degree. If our visa is denied, then I could move to China and we could get married there. If I could get a job teaching, I could live there for a year or so and then we could refile as a K3 and possibly come back to the US. Then I would finish my degree. I think I remember reading in a post somewhere that a degree is required in China to teach English. Is that true? Can anyone help me? It would help me greatly in deciding whether or not to sign up for the first 2 classes for the certification this Fall. ALL SUGGESTIONS AND COMMENTS ARE WELCOME.
  7. Hmmmm...I guess I will have to make sure I wear my pink undies at our interview...oops...I mean she will have to make sure she wears pink undies
  9. Thanks for the book choices. Since I plan on teaching English in China in the near future and living there for an extended time, it probably would be a good idea to learn as much as I can about modern China and their customes and culture. I will check them out. THANKS
  10. I don't know everything about your case, but I did read your previous postings. I would have to agree with Dylan. Although that is the reason they gave.... I don't really think it was due to the fact that you are too young. IMHO...it was because of the financial issues. I am no expert either, and some here may say I am wrong, but I would think that USCIS would look more favorably to someone who's co-sponsor is a family member as opposed to a friend. Simply because it would show them that your family is willing to help and they support the relationship. I am in the same boat as Dylan...I don't make the required income either...but my dad and stepmom are both willing to be the co-sponsor and they both make well above the poverty level. I am not saying that this will automatically guarantee an approval in my case, but I do think that it will show that I have support of my family. Also...I am a college student as well, but I work 2 jobs which I think (hope) will help in MY case, but...by no means am I saying that YOU should go and get 2 jobs. As a matter of fact, I hope that you will both stay in school. I quit college when I was younger and never finished. I regretted that decision for a long time. Thankfully, I was recently able to return and finish my degree, but not everyone is able to get the opportunity that I had to go back. As for your next course of action...I can't really help you there. My thoughts are with you.
  12. HELLO AND WELCOME TO CFL! This place is great and full of information. Since you are new, I would suggest that when you have some time you check out as many posts as you can. I did when I first joined, and I found many answers to questions I had. It is a great way to learn a lot about many different aspects of the process. BY THE WAY...CONGRATS ON THE NOA2...I AM HOPING TO GET MINE SOON. GOOD LUCK!!
  13. Hello all!! Just wanted to give an example of how this place is a great resource. I figured this post would help any guests perusing the sight to decide whether or not it was worth it to join as a member. I had been using calling cards purchased at local stores to keep in touch with my fiancee. I would receive a receipt that showed I purchased the card and that it was activated. I figured that surely this would be enough to show them at the interview that we frequently communicate with each other by phone and, therefore, in addition to emails and Yahoo IM conversations, would be sufficient to show proof of an ongoing relationship. Long story short...after reading through many posts on here, I discovered that the receipts would NOT be acceptable because they don't actually prove that I made the phone call. They only show that I PURCHASED the card. I would need to prove that we actually talked to each other on the phone. Thanks to other members here, I found a great prepaid calling system online that provides call history documentation to their customers. And...it is much cheaper than the phone cards I was using. Thankfully, since I am still in the early stages of the K1 process, I will have plenty of time to use this new service and have proof for the interview that we keep in touch by phone on a regular basis. Honestly...if I had not become a member of this site and found this plethora of information, she would have shown up at the future interview with all these receipts I had and they would have been completely useless. It could have possibly resulted in a denial. This is just one example how this site is a fantastic resource for everyone going through the stressful process of reuniting with their loved ones. Well...anyway...just wanted to express how happy I am to have found this site. It has helped me find answers to many questions that I have had along the way, and possibly has given me an advantage over many other couples that are going through the process that do not have this resource. THANKS TO ALL FOR GIVING ME THE HELP I HAVE NEEDED IN THE PAST AND FOR BEING THERE FOR ANY HELP I WILL SURELY NEED IN THE FUTURE!!!
  14. I don't remember seeing very many overweight people when I was in Nanning. But ...of course...because of McDiarrhea's and all those other western fast food places, it is inevitable to happen. My SO, thankfully, doesn't eat at those places very much. I do think that the younger generation over there will end up fat like us. They are adopting our bad eating habits. I mean...I am not skinny by any means. But, I am not "fat" either. I exercise fairly regularly and lift weights. My SO thinks she is fat too. When she tells me this, I have to laugh. She is so worried that she will get fat when she comes here and gets "Americanized". She exercises regularly now. I told her that there are many gyms here and we could even work out together if she wanted to. I am not worried about it though. Yeah...she is beautiful, but I didn't just fall in love with her physical appearance. At the risk of sounding too sappy....I will love her no matter what she looks like after eating greasy fried chicken(my favorite American dish), and other fried foods. B) It is funny though...when I was there she kept asking me if I wanted to eat at one of the fast food places...lol. I just told her..."No honey, I am in China....I am here to eat Chinese food."....lol. Just another quick note. I was so worried about getting sick from eating in China. I didn't have any problems the whole time I was there, but I have had food poisoning 3 TIMES here in my city...lol.
  17. CONGRATS TO A FELLOW HOOSIER! I am very happy for you both.
  18. CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH! It makes me happy to find out when a couple gets the visa approved. I enjoyed reading June's account of the interview. It was very interesting and could prove to be helpful to me and my SO in the future.
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