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Urkidding last won the day on July 22 2017

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About Urkidding

  • Birthday 11/07/1985

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    Jungle - USA

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  1. WOW! I haven't been here in a while and things do change. Carl... He was a very nice guy, Even was nice to me. We pm'ed a lot and like Charles, we talked about his guitars a lot. I remember kidding him about spending too much time here on CFL and how it was going to turn his hair grey. http://i66.tinypic.com/bg8etc.gif He told me he wasn't worried because he didn't have any. So I told him we could make some for him and that's when I came up with the Chia Carl picture. http://i68.tinypic.com/5meme.gif Carl was very special to a lot of folks here and he will truly be missed. http://i65.tinypic.com/212dbg7.jpg RIP Carl
  2. This is for your dad... and happy belated birthday to you Mick http://www.hazelnet.org/icon/celebrate/birthday.gif
  3. Happy Birthday Dennis! How was the catnip?
  4. Birthday????? I gave up counting after 50. Anywho thanks for remembering. I told my young wife tat she was catching up and all she could do was... I hope everyone is doing well here. We are doing great. Took the wife on a Caribbean Cruise this last summer and she really enjoyed it. We are now planning a new one for next year. See ya next year!
  5. Its that time of year again... and I stopped by to wish everyone Merry Christmas Happy Holidays... Gosh darn it...I can't remember which one is politically correct so I'll just leave it for you to decide. Anywho, have a great day today no matter what you do, say or play!
  6. As a rule, most women who will take you for a ride will want you to come right away. Come as you are and we can have a good time, spend your money and send you back. A logical person (male or female) will think things through and plan as you already have, however if something is not right you surely don’t want to go there and step in a pile of sh*t after she explain the situation. If the father is not feeling well, I sure wouldn’t want to go and make a visit if the “timing “is not right would you? I have also (as well as other here) seen where a person is being set up and the next thing is she will need $10,000 for her father’s operation and recovery. I am not saying this is the case but I have read many stories where this occurs. So for several reasons I would say, allow this space apart some additional time to know each other. This will help build understanding, build trust, make the relationship exciting and curious, and allow for you to really understand that person for what she really is. Also, don’t try to read her mind but put yourself in her shoes. If your father/mother were sick would you want her to come and visit? I also remember a long time ago when my momma once told me, “you aren’t marrying the girl, you’re marrying the whole family”. Some of us old timers have seen a lot and we can offer you some of the best advise but you also have to (as Dennis has said) go with the flow and have fun while you’re at it.
  7. Happy New Year Mr. Chop Suie... Great story too! I can't wait for the continuing saga of Animal House! I luv that movie.
  8. They're not cheap but on the average of $300 - $400 each.
  9. Happy New Years! May all your dreams come true this year! http://www.hdpaperwall.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Happy-New-Year-2014-1024x767.jpg
  10. Merry Christmas to everyone here. May the joy of Christmas be alive and well in your homes. May those who are waiting for your loved ones to arrive, I know know its easier to say but have patience, your time will come. To those who are no longer here to be with us, may you rest in peace! and for all of God's special children, there is a Santa! Rion Holcombe gets a special letter in the mail
  11. Carl, I saw this recently and it reminded me of your guitar project. It's pretty cool! Maybe Santa might brig you one.
  12. You will need to unlink & press return a couple of times at the end of the line and make sure the underline is gone from the link. return return
  13. Try this: Copy the embedded link then paste it here http://youtu.be/-6wxyaQqTiA It will appear with a line under it showing the link to "whatever" Then highlight the link and break the link with the unlink icon (located next to the link icon) and see if your video appears here correctly. You may need to hit a few returns after the break in the link.
  14. It's bigger too! Ha Ha Ha... ...This reminds me of an old skit that I once saw on Saturday Night live.... Where the old friends were sitting on one guy's deck and the others were comparing their...oh never mind, just watch the video and keep comparing ya'lls whateverthatis that ya'll are talking about.
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