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My wife's book titled, "CHINESE KNOT AND AMERICAN DREAM", soon to be on bookshelves in China. I have listed the email address and website of the publishing house below for those who might be interested.


xie xie :rolleyes:



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My wife tells me that it will be in the bookstores in China in about 3 weeks or so. She is getting copies sent to her from China in about 3 weeks as well. I think 20 copies, she said. She said that the publishing house really liked her book and will market it.


I'm really excited for her. I hope the book does well! It's basically about her views and stories of immigration to the United States. I really don't know much about it other than it is 380 pages with 108 pictures.


I apologize for any website and email troubles anyone may have experienced. My wife says that the book isn't listed on the website yet.


I will bring updated and more precise information as it becomes available.


Thanks for the replies you all!... :ok:

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Looks like we're getting in line for those first 20, Ty. From my count, I'm number 9. I've got a feeling that a book as this could be a very bit hit in China. Sure'd be great to be able to read an English version too.


So, have you thought about what you'll do in your retirement?

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Maybe you should do the English version to be published here. :D


The publishing house in China suggest doing this. We will look into it.


My wife said she got an email from them today and that they have mailed the copies to her. 15 copies and not 20 as I first reported. Something to do with publishing law. I wished we could've gotten more.

4 copies are already commited leaving 11 copies for sale. I'll use this thread as a guide on a 1st come-1st serve basis. Details on price, S&H will come later and it will be reasonable.

My wife tells me that the publishing house displayed the book at a commodities fair held in Beijing between January 7-11. That's where the photo came from.

The book was received well and several orders were taken.

I can't wait to see it! I can't read Chinese but I sure can look at the pictures...:P


Thanks again! :)

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