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Racism in the US and how our SO's can cope?

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Sam- your post about Nicola's grandparents was right on. I also think it has to do with the foreigner face- when my parents came to China their eyes were wide and they were excited by everything- the same with me at first- and people respond to that. People want to be nice to people who have those big goofy smiles on their faces- and so they will really go out of their way. I think you are the coolest guy for bringing her grandparents here.

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My SO watches American movies.


She repeats things she sees and hears.

I have found that I am constantly having to defend American life or telling my SO why it is different from in the movies. My SO has all her information about race and racial prejudices from American movies.

Just ask her to fly through the air like "Crouch Tiger and Hidden Dragon"...and when she rolls her eyes, tell her that the chinese do it in the movies !! :D

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My SO watches American movies.


She repeats things she sees and hears.

I have found that I am constantly having to defend American life or telling my SO why it is different from in the movies. My SO has all her information about race and racial prejudices from American movies.

Just ask her to fly through the air like "Crouch Tiger and Hidden Dragon"...and when she rolls her eyes, tell her that the chinese do it in the movies !! :P

What about Rush Hour 1 and 2 (jackie Chan and Chris Tucker)? The two movies have so much sterotypes.

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My SO watches American movies.


She repeats things she sees and hears.

I have found that I am constantly having to defend American life or telling my SO why it is different from in the movies. My SO has all her information about race and racial prejudices from American movies.

Just ask her to fly through the air like "Crouch Tiger and Hidden Dragon"...and when she rolls her eyes, tell her that the chinese do it in the movies !! :P

What about Rush Hour 1 and 2 (jackie Chan and Chris Tucker)? The two movies have so much sterotypes.

You sound to present a different side, but your example agrees with what pkfops says... american movies have racial prejudices... The Rush Hour movies are american movies...


Can you explain further?

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Short Update ----


I do not want to write too much, since the thread is continuing in an interesting way...


But yesterday was the first day that Rong was not scared to go back outside alone for a short period of time.


She still is worried, but most of the fear is gone, a very reassuring first step!

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Thank you all for sharing your personal stories. My biggest qualm is that the United States is comprised of immigrants from all over the world as symbolized Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breath free.

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


What's worse yet, it's the silent bigotry and discrimination currently practiced in the US, including within the government.

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Short Update ----


I do not want to write too much, since the thread is continuing in an interesting way...


But yesterday was the first day that Rong was not scared to go back outside alone for a short period of time.


She still is worried, but most of the fear is gone, a very reassuring first step!

good to hear... fear is really a strange thing.. one person can be very affected by it and another not. It's very unfortunate when the fear is intigated by another person. But we're not going to change prejudice in others. Sometimes I ask myself , "what did that person go through or endure that they act this way now?"...

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What happened is horrible and I am so sorry that your SO had this experience.

I grew up in East Texas during the pre-Civil Rights years. The racism was blatant and disgusting to almost everyone, but almost everyone choose not to rock-the-boat.


I really do not know that I would have handled it as gracefully and as correctly as you did.

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good to hear...  fear is really a strange thing..  one person can be very affected by it and another not.    It's very unfortunate when the fear is intigated by another person. But we're not going to change prejudice in others.    Sometimes I ask myself , "what did that person go through or endure that they act this way now?"...

So true. For one person an incident like this can be like water off a ducks back , for another, one incident traumatizes them for their whole lives.


I believe a large part of it is being willing to face your fears. With my kids I always make sure that if they (e.g. fall of a horse) they get right back on. I think if you don't, your mind will make the fears grow to a much larger magnitude

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With my kids I always make sure that if they (e.g. fall of a horse) they get right back on.



Is this before or after they have completed their leisurely reading in quantum mechanics?


Interesting how there is such a long standing attempt to come up with a 'unified theory' and we cannot get to a unified acceptance of one another as humans....

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