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Any sign of P4's?

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Well, honestly I havent really checked in this discussion thread lately, been hangin in the swank LL.. however, has many p4s been sent out lately? I think my case is starting to get me nervous. My first anniversary is a few weeks away, and I am almost on my 11th month since initating all my stuff... and no sign of a p4 yet.


I have also became very acquainted with personnel at DOS, as I call them daily just to hear the same... "she is eligible for an interview but still waiting."


Anyone else in my boat?


Just curious



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You shouldn't have to wait too much longer. I am a K-3 like you. We both received our P-3 at the same time. Song amd I got our P-4 appointment package three days ago. Our interview is on May 25th. A few of the other couples did as well.


Song and I married December 23rd 2003! We have had a no problems with paperwork BUT last summer we had a very long wait before our papers were sent to NVC.


I would think you will be in the next batch. Good luck.



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Ours is almost the same time frame although K-1. It seems that once you pass the half year mark of waiting that the stress increase by an ever increasing mathmatic progression each month.




I hope she doesn't arrive only to find I've lost the few marbles I have left.


We will stand together as brothers in the waiting room. All praise the founders of the CFL.

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Ours is almost the same time frame although K-1. It seems that once you pass the half year mark of waiting that the stress increase by an ever increasing mathmatic progression each month.




I hope she doesn't arrive only to find I've lost the few marbles I have left.


We will stand together as brothers in the waiting room. All praise the founders of the CFL.


just curious... why the "although" K-1??? is there a difference in processing for K1 vs K3? i thought eveyone got in the same line once P3 was sent back to GZ?


just wondering if i have complaining rights yet.... :unsure: i'm sure i probably don't b/c regardless of K1/K3, my P3 date is after you guys. oh well, i'll just be impatiently waiting with the rest of you.

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... and no sign of a p4 yet.

This is really gonna mess up nooneufo's charts. Hope the visa unit move in June doesn't make this boat any slower.

I have already blown his chart out of the water. We had a projected date of the end of March on his charts.. so...


And I am a CR-1. I am not sure if there is a difference in time frames depending on the type...


I think no matter which type you file... we are all still screwed...




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A complete SWAG (Silly Wild Ass Guess ..... numbers from the 001 timelines )


Latest P3 date to receive P4 = December 11, 2004

# of P4's received so far in April = 8


# Currently waiting P4 by visa class

CR-1 = 76

KR-1 = 96

K-3 = 31


# Currently waiting P4 by P3 received month (2004).

December = 21

November = 11

October = 7

Prior to October = 2


Per my SO, all the girls eagerly hope for a flood of P4's this next week (last week of the month). I suppose this assumes GZ wants their processing #'s to look good for April.


Be aware GZ will be closed May 1,2 & 3 for International Labor Day and July 4th. The consulate move will undoubtably cause some delays in July.



K-3 Timeline: http://001family.001.bank.cn/timeline/K3.asp

Waiting for P3 timeline: http://001family.001.bank.cn/timeline/P3.asp

Waiting for P4 timeline: http://001family.001.bank.cn/timeline/P4.asp

Interview Dates: http://001family.001.bank.cn/timeline/interviews.asp


Time to take a deep breath & some Cheetos.

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We're on a similar timeline. My SO expressed her P3 docs to GZ on 10/28/04. Not a word since. Two emails to GZ, a phone call to CIS and a phone call to GZ's info center yielded the same results: name check incomplete.


Tomorrow I'll telephone DOS in hopes of finding something more concrete. I wouldn't mind knowing, for example, what date GZ logged the P3 into the computer. All the phone calls and emails I've sent have failed to get an answer to that one simple question.


We're now at 6 months since the P3 docs were submitted. We've passed the one year mark since I filed my I-129 petitiion.


Meanwhile, my SO's company wants to send her on a business trip for 2 weeks, but she's worried that she'll miss the P4.


And with Condi at the helm, I doubt DOS really gives a damn.


Sorry, just a brief vent here. I wouldn't be so PO'ed if someone could answer one or two simple questions.

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We're on a similar timeline. My SO expressed her P3 docs to GZ on 10/28/04. Not a word since. Two emails to GZ, a phone call to CIS and a phone call to GZ's info center yielded the same results: name check incomplete.


Tomorrow I'll telephone DOS in hopes of finding something more concrete. I wouldn't mind knowing, for example, what date GZ logged the P3 into the computer. All the phone calls and emails I've sent have failed to get an answer to that one simple question.


We're now at 6 months since the P3 docs were submitted. We've passed the one year mark since I filed my I-129 petitiion.


Meanwhile, my SO's company wants to send her on a business trip for 2 weeks, but she's worried that she'll miss the P4.


And with Condi at the helm, I doubt DOS really gives a damn.


Sorry, just a brief vent here. I wouldn't be so PO'ed if someone could answer one or two simple questions.

I agree with a lot of what you say... just the Condi statement I disagree with. Although we would like to put blame on one particular party or another, I think the bureauracratic hubub is just the US Government in action, and the massive amount of "drain cloggage" goes both ways. Its just the way the government runs.....





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I agree with a lot of what you say... just the Condi statement I disagree with. Although we would like to put blame on one particular party or another, I think the bureauracratic hubub is just the US Government in action, and the massive amount of "drain cloggage" goes both ways. Its just the way the government runs.....





I'm not literally blaming one person, but in a more general sense, the current administratiion seems far less inclined to embrace immigrants than previous administrations have. That's politics, but unfortunately the prevailing winds affect all levels of bureaucracies in my opinion.


But that's a philosophical question for another time and another thread.


Just got off the phone with DOS. They gave me a tiny bit more information, basically confirming that a security check request was sent from GZ to DOS, and submitted from DOS to the relevant government security agencies.


The amazing thing was that the DOS could not or would not give me a date that GZ logged in the P3 docs. They could not or would not give me a date that the request was sent from GZ, even though I was told that it "had been pending for some months." Obviously, the DOS person had some kind of date in front of her, but claimed not to know any dates.


I'm beginning to think that either GZ or DOS misplaced my SO's P3 docs for some months, discovered them, and submitted the request to DOS many months later than they should have been.


I guess it makes no difference. We're now at six months since P3 submission and still waiting.

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I also feel the vague answers are a cover up for failure to record properly and general slip ups that would be obviouse if they gave us what is in the computer. Sometimes they give concise info from the data base and other times just a statement "nothing recent still processing" in answer to my question "what is the last entry in the file". Or maybe it is just me and my question is too vague.

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