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001 has been a wonderful site in many ways for my SO. Lots of information, lots of support. There's a section for both single women in China and one for Chinese women in the US who haaaave married already.


However, I have observed that sometimes information gets distorted and lots of misinformation gets spread. For the first year my SO regarded 001 as the gospel and I had a hard time convincing her that some of the opinions on 001 were just opinions and not fact. I guess she finally trusts me enough now to take what she reads there with a grain of salt, but it caused a few conflicts for a while

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I posted this before on a previous discussion of 001. When we first started think about K-1, Ying visited 001 a few times. She quickly deduced that some info was wrong. She was greatly concerned about some the long timeline / other "problem"stories. I told her that they can happen, but they are not normal. I told some of the "problems" were due to make mistake or SO that was not careful or supportive - that would not be issue for us. "Info" on 001 did cause some debates between us. She does not visit anymore - her choice - we support each other.

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