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Video Tape demonstrating Chinese Ability

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Regarding my nefarious lawyer, do you think I have any recourse to issue a complaint?  Obviously, anyone who advises that this is a 2-3 month process is either lying or doesnt know what they are talking about.  Of course I will do nothing of the sort until after my SO is here, but I wondered if I could write the American Immigration Lawyers Association or the state bar. 

If he knew he was dealing with a visa from China and he told you a few months, then he deliberately mislead you or he is an incompetent idiot. If you have anything in writing that says a few months, I would threaten him with a lawsuit or reporting him to the bar (or at the very least, get on his case enough to get some/all of your $750 back).

You would be wise to wait until AFTER the visa is granted if you do take any action. :D

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If I were Dashan I'd be making so much money there wouldnt be a reason to live in the States. When I was in China you couldnt turn on the TV without seeing him. Besides I have more of a southern accent when it comes to Mandarin.


I still think I will file a complaint against my lawyer though. She specifically said that she had plenty of experience in Chinese fiance visas.

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Besides I have more of a southern accent when it comes to Mandarin.

Southern as in guangdonghua southern or as in ya'll come back now southern? :P


There are a number of us "ya'll" southerners here at CFL and a number of Guangdong wives here in the US as well. In either event, you're in good company. Welcome to the fold (see Trigg's posts for more information on the "fold"). :D

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By "southern", I was referring to my pronunciation in putonghua (mandarin). I just dont do the "r-hua" from the Beijing area. Unfortunately, I dont speak any Cantonese.


I actually am living in NH, which will be a challenge for my SO to adapt to when she gets here, as she has never seen the bottom side of 50 degrees before.


It would be great for my SO to have people to talk to, as she has so many "friends" in China who keep telling her it will never happen. Makes it kind of hard to keep her spirits up.

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