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Our VO asked for absolutely nothing from my fiancee. We had a 5lb evidence book with several hundred pages of stuff. You really need to overprepare for everything though. Because sometimes they ask for nothing, then other times they ask for everything including the kitchen sink. Don't get caught short.

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Hmm, let me think... My passport (I was waiting outside)... Our photo album... I think my wife also passed her my diploma from a Chinese University I studied at when we first met. To be honest, I don't think the vo asked for any of these docs, my wife just sort of offered them up as they were talking. That's it. I still have our I-134 which has never been glanced at by anyone.

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We also had massive evidence, including the kitchen sink, but the sink did not make it past the guards :D She was asked when was she divorced and when I was divorced and to see the letter from my employer. :D Then handed a white slip :D It was to easy I did not sleep that night in fear of a change the next day when it came time to pick up the visa's

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I know that at the medical exam, ALL the paperwork is put together into an envelope and this is brought to the interview. What is of interest then is: What is asked for by the VO that is NOT in that envelope.


These 'extras' include the kitchen sink...


I've been collecting interview questions for a little while from people who will post them.. mainly to help me and Zixuan prepare...


Here is a list of items I see that have been asked for:

- Passport

- pictures (sometimes they'll look at an album, sometimes want just a few pictures). Once I heard that if you have a picture of the two together in CHinese dress, it should make the VO smile...

- Past years of taxes (I see this more than once, even though many state this is not needed unless you are self-employed. In at least one case, the person was retired and the SO talked the VO into looking at the I-134!)

- communications (one VO asked to see only "early" emails. )

- Some SOs have a letter from the US person. In some cases the VO will read it and others will decline to look at it.

- Those US people who accompany the SO usually give their passport to the SO, to show the VO. Whether they look at it or not, its established your there.

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