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Quick poll : cooking skills between generations

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I ve read with a lot of interest various posts describing the cooking prowess of many wifes/gfs and wondered the following :

How does your so cooking skills compared to her mother ?

I am asking this because I grew to appreciate and love my so 's mum cooking and i am kind of scared her daughter will disappoint me _ hehehe

On a serious note : I noticed in China mother are very territorial about their kitchen ( master of the kitchen ) which does not much give opportunities to daughters or sons to practice so how can they manage to learn to cook ?

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My SO is a great cook and I loved all the meals she made when I was with her. Her mother does not cook at all. Her father cooks some of the meals, but she is the main cook for the family. She lives with her sister in the same apartment as her parents and makes and eats most all the meals upstairs at her parents apartment.

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My SO is a great cook and cooks all the family meals on special occasions. Her mother is very old and does very little cooking. The whole family lives in the same building that her brother built about 10 years ago. There are two brothers and their wifes, the mother, My So and her daughter, her oldest brothers son and his girl friend, one niece, and a cousin, plus a worker living in the building. My SO also has three half sisters living in Liuzhou.


Boba and Meixiang

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Last summer while I was visiting Fei's parents in YueYang, I had the opportunity to see a world class chef (her Mother) in action!


Theirs is a traditional household, in that her mother leaves early in the morning to shop for the fresh ingredients for the lunch and dinner... They are fortunate to live on a large, fairly clean freshwater lake, so fresh fish is always available at give-away prices.... I think I took more pictures in the kitchen during my visit than any other place!


Fei IS good in the kitchen, and the girls always beg her to cook, and moan when I tell them I am --- and while she has a very clear understanding of genuine Hunan, she can't always pull it off..... and part of that is goegraphic ---- Portland simply doesn't have the abundance of fresh food that YueYang does..

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MY SO can cook well, but knows very few things to cook. Doesn't seem to have a cookbook or access to lots of recipes. She claims she never really learned to cook, but I think she is very teachable. I cook pretty well, so I will train her to cook some American dishes. Then I think its a matter of her getting some Chinese recipes and she'll be off on her own.

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My wife is a great cook. She has adapted many Chinese dishes so that they are better for my diabetes. I have taught her how to make some american dishes, hamburgers, popcorn, slow cooking. She has bought a cookbook and will go and learn some of my favorite restraunt dishes from the cooks there. Her family thinks she is the best cook, and will always ask her to cook those wonderful dishes. This is making me hungry just thinking about it.


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My mom is a great cook- I am a good cook as well- which was a surprise because my mom never 'taught' me how to cook- as a matter of fact the further I was from her kitchen the more she liked it. One time I cut brownies crooked and almost got chopped. My husband is a good cook- but I guess I am a fancier cook than both of them. I really like to cook for dinner parties and etc. much more than cooking every night just for dinner- maybe when we have kids and I have more people to cook for it will be more fun. And my husband doesn't eat dessert- which sucks- because I love to bake.

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