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extra copies of translations

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I talked with my SO this morning about this subject to get the details straight.

She went to her Hukou in her home town where she pays a yearly fee of 500rmb for them to keep her records.

It cost nothing to get a copy of these records.

We then went to the big city of Chengdu to a Notary across from the US Consulate where we paid the following:


I think we will also have to use a big city Notary to get English.


She should be getting to her hometown about now - time for the second daily call :)

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Hi I am new here. I also am having the same problem figureing out what to do about Notarial Certificates and translations. My wife went and got them and they cost about 500RMB for three copies and came with a handy dandy little statement in the back from the transaltor that the English was in comformity with the Chinese original copy. BUT it did not state that the translator was competent to translate into English, like the insructions for the I-130 and I -129F ask for. He was the notery so you would expect them to except this but I am just not sure. What is the expearance of other people in the group. Did you have to have them re-translated????

Thanks. Jim

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Hi Jim

Welcome to CFL. Keep in touch. I have been working the issue of documents for some time. It looks easy if SO is from big city. From village, etc ?


You may be a step adhead of me in that you have English and Chinese.


I am in progress of a test - will advise. Getting some family help - that I am not sure is real help ???


I am not sure how/where you can get these little books that seem to be the accepted standard.


Ying knows what is required, we are going to get what she can from her hometown, hopefully sort it out, get anything else required in Beijing

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