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extra copies of translations

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My SO is at the notary right now arranging for translations of her birth certificate, police records, and single certificate, so this question might be coming a little too late. But should she arrange to have extra copies made? Or, if we need those documents in the future, will photocopies be ok?


A quick response would be really nice! :) Thanks

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I forgot exactly, but I think we did six birth certificate because one will always need that and hard to translate here and be notarized.

I think we did three or four of the other two. Both English and Chinese, because of the distance involved and who knows what we might need. It was cheap enough as they were doing it anyway, whereas if we came back it would be a high cost again.

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As we speak they are trying to charge her 2000 RMB for the translations, and I'm not sure if that includes copies. And they don't want to give her the original documents, just the notarizes statements.


I'm not really clear what is going on, neither is she. But I don't feel really confident, though they insist they have done this service before and it's the way they always do it. Personally, I think we're getting screwed once again. Hopefully we at least end up with the right docs.

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I vaugely recall something similar, they kept the original documents....however I am fairly certain we paid 800rmb or less....and this might be why we went for the copies because of them keeping the original docs. I recall them saying something along the lines that it is the Notary who is actually creating the documents from the Chinese papers.....maybe you can wait until someone more knowledgable comes on? Maybe even shop around on price?

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Can't really wait, as she's at the notary right now (in her hometown), but I'm thankful you're on-line! Sometimes just a little info goes a long way in relieving anxiety. Especially regarding the copies.... Now they don't even want to give her the original of her B.C. which I thought was rather important.


Not much we can do about the price. Only one notary in town, so it's a seller's market, I guess. And like I said in a post before, eastern Guangdongren are notorious for being cheats and opportunists.


If something's wrong, she can always go back. But it's such a pain in the ass.....this whole process has been a pain in the ass. But I guess I'm preaching to the choir on this forum :) Here's hoping they know what they're doing.....

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Hmmm, well my SO did go to her home town/Hukou to get these original documents, but we then after went to a Notary across the street from the Embassy as I felt they were more likely to know what they were doing.

The single certificate is really just an affidavit, so you would not really need this from the hometown.

I can hear the singers singing.


Read this thread:


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Well damnit. I read somewhere that only a notary where her hukou is could translate it. I would much rather have done it in Shenzhen.


Funny about the single certificate. She needed a copy of my passport, and even her father's birth certificate, or something similar. Is anything standardized in this country!!!


I can't wait to go to America! Are the streets still paved with gold?

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We are going through this excerise now. Ying is on her way back to her small hometown ( middle of nowhere in Henan) for another reason. Her brother( who happens to be a policeman) has already gotten the documents for her - Well actually a friend of his got them. There is no English translation, we are not sure if it can be tranalated there - or if they have been notarized.


Ying will be there in a few hours to see what the exact situation is - make sure they are notarized, get translated if possible. Good news is that so far there has been no charges - we have plenty of time to try again if there are any problems. I wanted to make a early , as her hoemtown is very, very small and out of the way

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We had two notorized copies made of each document. The cost for her birth certificate and divorce decree was 350 yuan. I am not sure how much she paid for her single certificate and police record. These were done in Nanning. They kept the originals and she has a booklet made of each notorized copy. When they placed the documents into the P4 packet at the medical clinic, they tore the important pages out of the booklet. We still have one copy of each document. I am not sure you need more than two. One to keep and one to turn in at the emabassy. I do not think you need these document for AOS.

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Some complications arose, so her quest for notarized translations will be continuing tomorrow. My SO's English is very good, but we're dealing with an unusual vocabulary here, so I'm not exactly sure what's happening. But she says the notary will take all these documents (BC, police records, single certificate) and make a booklet of new, notarized docs with translations. The original documents stay put, and she walks away with this booklet. That seems to be what C4Racer is talking about. I advised that she try to get two "original" copies of that booklet, because I wasn't sure if we would have to surrender one at the interview. Seems like that might have been good advice. Hopefully she can get two of them tomorrow.

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I talked with my SO this morning about this subject to get the details straight.

She went to her Hukou in her home town where she pays a yearly fee of 500rmb for them to keep her records.

It cost nothing to get a copy of these records.

We then went to the big city of Chengdu to a Notary across from the US Consulate where we paid the following:

200rmb for one copy of the Birth Certificate, plus 20rmb for each additional copy. Each one in a booklet form of both Chinese and English. We got six total.

200rmb for one copy of the Police Certificate, plus 20rmb for each additional copy. Each one in a booklet form of both Chinese and English. We got three total.

200rmb for one copy of of the Single Certificate, plus 20rmb for each additional copy. Each one in a booklet form of both Chinese and English. We got three total.

Verified it would cost the same to come back and do it again after first going to Hukou to get another copy of her records, as they keep these at the Notary. This is why is why we got a spare copy or or two of each, more of the Birth Certificate because one always needs this. Our total cost was 810rmb.

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