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What suppliment doc we need for our CR-1 interview

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Hi All CR-1ers

it's me from China. i have a documentation requirement sheet from gz consulate for interview. I got this sheet from a friend who recently sponsored a family visa for her son. anyway, i would like to know what docuement item is applying to our CR-1 Case. Would you please help me analyze following items from this docuement? thanks in Advance!


1. Statement of how and when your petitioner ______ first went to the US.

verify petitioner's residence in the U.S (_____) with documents dating ____ through the presence

my question: I am already a naturalized US citizen since 1998, do i still need to explain in writing how i became US citzen? and do i need to prove my current US residence? and how? would a current mailing envelop to my residence be enough?


2. Notorized photo of your petitioner holding current newspaper with dateline legible. submit original paper

my question: what's the point of this item requirement? can i do this right now in China with a current Chinese News Paper? help me understand.


3. letters, remittance slips, and other correspondance between you and your petitioner since____________, also bring all photos taken of you and your petitioner together since you first met

my question: I am applying CR-1 for my wife, what documents and evdiences that you guys bring to your CR-1 interview? our communications are mostly through email, internet chatroom and phone call when we are apart. i opened a bank account for my wife, and i write checks and bring cash back when i visit her. i certainly have tons of digital photos of us together. are those not enough evdience to prove our marriage validity?


4. statement form the petitioner describing how and when we first met, who introduced you , the history of the relationship

my question: do i need to explain how we got married?


5.please have the petitioner prepare a VHS format video that show both you and your petitioner communicate for 5 min without stop or editing.

my question: do i have to prepare this in VHS format? we have some digital video clips between us when we were traveling together? can i use make a digital video CD with those clips? is this really a necessary? I am a Chinese origin and Chinese is my first language. do i still need this?


besides those items that i mentioned above, any other docuements that i must bring to our CR-1 interview, please let me know. out of curisousity, how many CR-1 are there, and how do you go through the CR-1 interview and what docuements you bring to the interview? any information are greately appreciated!


Sorry for such a long message, I can't thank you all enough for the help that i have received so far. you guys are true friends.



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1. Statement of how and when your petitioner ______ first went to the US.

verify petitioner's residence in the U.S (_____) with documents dating ____ through the presence

my question: I am already a naturalized US citizen since 1998, do i still need to explain in writing how i became US citzen? and do i need to prove my current US residence? and how? would a current mailing envelop to my residence be enough?


Likely you had to prove and show how your citizenship was acquired to file the I-130, so it's less important for the interview. But if you have some document proving it, just send it anyway. Yes, you have to prove your US residence. Should be easy if you actually live there. Own property? Bank account? Job? These things that you will use for your I-864 anyway.


2. Notorized photo of your petitioner holding current newspaper with dateline legible. submit original paper

my question: what's the point of this item requirement? can i do this right now in China with a current Chinese News Paper? help me understand.


It's not very often they ask for this I think, but doesn't hurt to have it.


3. letters, remittance slips, and other correspondance between you and your petitioner since____________, also bring all photos taken of you and your petitioner together since you first met

my question: I am applying CR-1 for my wife, what documents and evdiences that you guys bring to your CR-1 interview? our communications are mostly through email, internet chatroom and phone call when we are apart. i opened a bank account for my wife, and i write checks and bring cash back when i visit her. i certainly have tons of digital photos of us together. are those not enough evdience to prove our marriage validity?


Send with her absolutely anythng that indicates a real relationship.


4. statement form the petitioner describing how and when we first met, who introduced you , the history of the relationship

my question: do i need to explain how we got married?


I think they just want you to explain how the relationship developed. What went on at your wedding is prob not that interesting unless it provides you with photos with family and friends for evidence.


5.please have the petitioner prepare a VHS format video that show both you and your petitioner communicate for 5 min without stop or editing.

my question: do i have to prepare this in VHS format? we have some digital video clips between us when we were traveling together? can i use make a digital video CD with those clips? is this really a necessary? I am a Chinese origin and Chinese is my first language. do i still need this?


This is not really needed very often. If they know you are originally Chinese, which they will, it will not likely be an issue. \



At least that is my understanding of things. Others may have different/more advice.


Good luck.

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