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Last night, ok, this morning at 1:00am , I was having my daily talk with Zixuan (ain't the internet great with free audio and video to boot !) . She's filling me in on her last day... some family bad new was first.


Then very casually mentions she got the P3 ! Since I was in China with her the last two months, I have not thought too much about it. Needless to say, we both were overcome with joy to get it. I had primed her for the "long wait" when I left her, and she gets the P3 a few weeks after I go ! Although I know there is still a wait, but to get the P3 was a welcome milestone!


I begin to quickly tell her some things.. depending on it's importance or clarity needed, we write back and forth in Chinese characters, pinyin or English. The internet has been a godsent, whether for chatting, translating or using this forum.


I'm sitting here now since 6:00am, online with her, while she fills in the form with a english speaking friend... they ask me a question as needed...


I'm well prepared. I have printouts of the forms, I retrieved her "telegraphic code" name last night off a web page... I did searches on the forum and found the FAQ and other great stuff on P3 questions.


I sit here and wonder if she will ask me something I cannot answer... I begin to formula a strategy on how to quickly submit a question to the forum if needed.. I've got it open and sit poised.. ok, a little fidgety...


Oh wait, a question... haha ! She writes , "hug". This is one I can easily handle..

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I'm waiting for my SO to receive hers... I feel we have been waiting so long and the P3 represents the time when the counting starts towards the interview... I think you are about 4-5 months away from your appoinment interview.


I received an email from Guz on Monday and they said they send the packet to her... It has not been received by her yet.... hopefully soon she will receive it.... it's very hard at this stage waiting for the P3...


Anyway, I will visit Beijing in June for 2 weeks... Once I get to Beijing, I hope that we will jst be waiting for the interview letter ofr a month or 2... we'll see. Good luck!

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I received an email from Guz on Monday and they said they send the packet to her... It has not been received by her yet.... hopefully soon she will receive it.... it's very hard at this stage waiting for the P3...

Give EMS a few days, but if she doesn't received it soon, start following up. Sometimes, GZ sends the P3 to the wrong address or the address they have isn't good enough to get the packet delivered. Jingwen had a problem with her address, and it cost us a few weeks to get it straightened out with the consulate.

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Anyway, I will visit Beijing in June for 2 weeks... Once I get to Beijing, I hope that we will jst be waiting for the interview letter ofr a month or 2... we'll see. Good luck!

Nobody likes to wait.. but it is certainly easier to do it together! I am glad to hear you are going in June. Enjoy the time and best luck!

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I received an email from Guz on Monday and they said they send the packet to her... It has not been received by her yet.... hopefully soon she will receive it.... it's very hard at this stage waiting for the P3...

Give EMS a few days, but if she doesn't received it soon, start following up. Sometimes, GZ sends the P3 to the wrong address or the address they have isn't good enough to get the packet delivered. Jingwen had a problem with her address, and it cost us a few weeks to get it straightened out with the consulate.

hanks for the encouagement. I hope she will receive it by Monday, If not I will send another email to GUZ

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