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Everything is a go

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I just want to let everyone know that everything is a go on 04/14 thanks to Maura Harty. The new P4 has been sent on 03/29 yesterday/today man this time difference is so confussing. I am happier than a TN mountain man surrounded by sheep. My heart is racing faster than a flying mop.


I also want to say that I have been able to over come this set back because of this web site. The posts, the information and most important the support are all greatly appreciated.


Now for those of you who have been the biggest help, I hope I do not miss any one because you all are wondeful but there are a few who have touched my heart.


Trigg, have a drink on me and don't forget to duck!

Alex, hang in there and thanks for you inspiration

eeyore, you support has been great

beijingjenny, I am very happy for you take care of those twins

Ny Viking, thanks for the spelling lession

nooneufo, man your one number cruncher your predictions are great

frank1538, thanks for all the great suggestions and for being the first to welcome me to CFL

rogeluli, thanks for making me laugh and I am very sorry for the mugging I hope the slim balls crash and burn.

DanR, thanks for being there for me good luck on the wife training

DaveR, thanks for the support

jgrier5, keep on nagging darling hope your P4 arrives soon

donahso, thanks for you vast knowleged and incouragement


Boba and Meixiang



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I have just composed and sent this email to Maura Harty.


Dear Assistant Secretary Maura Harty:


I just want to let you know that the packet 4 has been sent and will arrive in time for the interview on April 14. I can not begin to tell you how much I appreciate all the help you and your staff have been in this matter. If every one in the United States government could be like you and your staff then I believe many of the issues our nation is facing during these troubled times could be easily dealt with.


Please forgive me for saying; I hope that you will give an equal consideration to the group letter which has been sent by members of “A candle for Love”. Many of these members have not been as fortunate as me to have a champion like you go to bat for them. I hope that the issues and concerns that are contained in this group letter will receive the same magnanimous attention that I have received in my personnel plight from you and your staff.


If I can be of any help to you in the future please let me know. If you are ever in Denver in the future I want you to know you are welcome to a home cooked. My future wife loves to cook and she would be very happy to make you a meal.


Thank you again for correcting the error to our case in such a timely and considerate fashion.




Boba and Meixiang


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