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I've had it! I've been trying to change my fiance's address for ages. My case is sitting in GZ. They tell me they will send P3 as soon as they read my fax with the new address. I sent the fax two weeks ago! Somebody's fiance received a call from GZ to get her new address. I certainly didn't get that service! I'm pissed off and tired of waiting so I'm going to Guangzhou.


Problem is, the only time I can make it there is Friday afternoon. Will I be able to talk with anybody at that time. All I want to do is hand somebody our address, written in Chinese. Should be really simple. Probably not. Somebody please set me straight.


By the way, why the @#$% can't I e-mail our address to them? it's unbelievable that computers at a consulate IN CHINA can't handle Chinese characters.


Also, I take back all the nice things I said about those bastards at GZ a few weeks ago.

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That really sucks. I know the frustration when I was waiting them to acknoledge mail and faxes about my pregnancy and they kept saying they didn't have anything.


According to the web site, http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzho...iv/contact.html, you could go to information hour on Friday aft. But don't know if they would take paperwork for a case then. There might also be hours to discuss cases in person with VO's but don't know.

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