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What does GUZ mean in English

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Ok I just received this response from GUZ


"Dear petitioner,


The namecheck stage has been passed. However, your case is still under

processing. Once it's completed, we will schedule a visa interview and

notify the applican by mail."


Could one of you who has passed through fire please translate this for me? Are we any closer or is this another "be patient letter"?

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Oh when I called my SO to report what I thought was good news my ear almost burnt off. "Why can't American government say yes or no, in China you ask and you know if they can do or not. Don't Americans know how to say yes and no clearly, why need long time?" When there was a gap I simply said No, Americans don't like to give an answer. We are not like Chinese who answer "Yes" or "Maybe" and everyone knows maybe means no. Here maybe means maybe yes or maybe no. "Exactly, Chinese meaning is clear Americans not clear" Yes you are right this is American way.

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Are you kidding? Chinese can be the most evasive people. I've always though Americans were pretty direct in comparison.


I don't know what they mean in this case though - sounds like maybe more investigation, but could just mean waiting in the queue. Try again later and maybe someone clearer will answer. Better yet, just call DOS.

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After passing it through my newly patented Bureau Standard Translator machine, or BS-translator for short:


"The namecheck stage has been passed." = The people at other agencies have done their job.

"However, your case is still under processing." = We have yet to do our job.

"Once it's completed, we will schedule a visa interview and notify the applicant by mail." = Once enough time has passed, or when we feel like it, we will do our job.

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Thanks! :D Now everything is so very clear. :rolleyes: THen I guess I should be patient and prepare for an indefinite wait :angry: I am so glad I asked them a concise question :blink: But at least that means something someone had to do that is needed before life starts has been done. :P

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Ok I just received this response from GUZ


"Dear petitioner,


The namecheck stage has been passed. However, your case is still under

processing. Once it's completed, we will schedule a visa interview and

notify the applican by mail."


Could one of you who has passed through fire please translate this for me?  Are we any closer or is this another "be patient letter"?

She's in the queue to the queue for the interview queue. Clear as mud. :rolleyes:

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