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G-325A Residence History

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Working on the K1 and filling out the G-325A at the moment.


I'm just wondering how complete I ought to be with my list of residences from the past five years. I'm only 23, so going back five years from the present actually takes me back to my senior year in high school. In university I shuttled through various dorms and apartments and spent one semester in China. Now, having graduated, I'm in China again.


My main question is about the time I was in university. Do I need to include all the various addresses I had during those four years or is it enough to just use my parents' address? While I was in college I used my parents' address for all official stuff (tax forms, FAFSA, etc), if that matters.


This isn't a huge question, but I thought I'd float it anyway. Filling in forms makes me nervous, and I need constant reassurance...

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