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New Interview/P3 list.

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Thanks Chinese Wife!!!

Okay, we certainly know that tracking by the amount of time from P3 to Interview is not consistant because of the way the papers are stacked. Since we only have the two previous timelines to go on (I found oleomnaoman1950 P4 date) , and the "Case Complete" date for them matches the K1's before and after, I will use that for now. The next person whose line will tell us something will be Bahan's. Or jgrier5. What we need from jgrier5 is the same dates for comparision.

NVC Receives or enters ds-230

NVC Reports Case Complete

NVC Sends it to Guz.


The data does show the K3 p3 returns to Guz as following K1s, so have shifted those colors accordingly.

Have created separate color scheme for K3/CR1/IR1 for those sending to NVC.


At this point I think that there is a point where these all come together, and perhaps I am confusing when I say stack, which is to mean the computer memory stack, as well as a stack of papers. Since the reverse order is there, it seems both apply.

Have changed the list accordingly for K3/CR1.

Since there are a lot more upcoming K3/CR1's, it is easier to track them all if this start point is pinned down, as there still won't be enough to track them seperately, and get a reasonable future guess, which may not matter to some people........maybe.

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it's not like you are busy or anything is it....on your time line, the recommend important time is the date that NVC says Case Complete. Unfortunately, I don't know what that means. Chinese Wife!!! please...


As for my name check, did I need to do that? Do I have to start over?

This is a case of don't follow my example, rather, follow John and Hai Yan's example instead. I failed to get that info before and now they won't, or can't tell me now. But based on the data, this does not seem to affect the timing. You are one of the leaders and explorers in the CR1 country, so we kind of have to guess, a lot.


I forgot to add, with the info from beijingjenny, she waited about 20 to 30 days longer than those around her for the P4.....not good , but clearly not time to panic yet either. Maybe no one has mentioned you could try calling DOS.........

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