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Anybody can help me?

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I got my Police Certificate from France, but it seems not what I asked for. I am confused since my French is not that great to understand it. Anyone here can give me a hand? What's exactly the letter said? Do I need another form 777?

Here is the letter:




Releve des condamnations devant figurer au bulletin n 3 en application de

l'art. 777 du code de procedure penale


En l'absence de condamnation devant figurer au bulletin n 3, celui-ci ne

comporte qu'une barre transversale (Art. R. 84 du code de procedure



Thanks in advance!

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Here is how babelfish translates it.


BULLETIN NUMBER 3 Releve of the judgments having to appear in bulletin N 3 pursuant to art. 777 of the code of procedure penale In the absence of judgment having to appear in bulletin N 3, this one does not comprise that a transverse bar (Article R. 84 of the code of procedure penale)

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Thanks for your help. I still don't really understand it. From your understanding, is it the one saying my record is clear? or that doesn't mean it?

Oh, goah, I am so confused now. My English and my French, I need to improve both skills.

Thanks again.


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Thanks a lot!!! So happy to hear you tell me this! So it should be the one I can show the visa officer in Guangzhou. Great!


Now I feel I don't need to go learn french anymore. That's great! I never could pronounce French words right.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!


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Trying to refresh my rusty French here. It just says it's a report of judgments that would apply and then I think yes, "en absence de" should mean here there is no record. Have no idea, even using a dictionary, what exactly "barre universale" means in this case, but I think the short answer is that you're good.


However, if you are using this in Guangzhou, it will have to be officially translated into English, and maybe even Chinese.

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Thank you so much!

It is so hard to find some official company can translate French directly into English in my city. I have to go through French into Chinese,and then Chinese into English, I got a lot trouble here already.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.

Do you remember me? I wrote e-mail to you several days ago to ask about filing DCF?

How's your twins doing?

Again, thanks.


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