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I posted awhile back some questions about back-filing. I had finished everything and tucked away to send later when I just now discovered (via a 1040EZ I had scribbled the figures on) I *may* have filed and got a refund in 2001, one of the years I was back filing for. I have no way to verify I really did til I can maybe sort through things or call them later in the US, and my bank statements after April 2002 (earliest I can check online) show no check for the refund figure I found.


My dilemma is - how to include this for the I-864 (not that they'll care much about my income). Include a copy of the one I was back filing anyway or say I'm not sure if I have one or where it is?? Thing is, it looks like for some reason if I did file I didn't include my Chinese salary, which will look bad when now sending the IRS copies of my contracts including salary, a whole other issue. But I don't want to include stuff with my I-864 that's NOT what's on file with the IRS if anything is. So maybe I should just not bother with the tax form copies and just expalin why I didn't file? Wanted to look like a good citizen at least, but might backfire.


Sorry, long winded. Any advice will be appreciated.

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Ok, let me get this straight, you may have backfiled for 2001, but not sure, and if you did, you may not have included your chinese salary.


I'd just include the forms you did back file for 2001, since I think in our case they're (GUZ) not going to check with IRS anyway. If you get a burst of concience later and decided to amend 2001 to inlcude your chinese contract salary, that's a separate issue between you and the IRS. I think GUZ, being the way they are, is going to want to see something that looks like you filed something.


Of course I may be wrong...



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Thanks for wading through my post Bob. Yeah, that's about right. Technically I wasn't required to file, but think it looks better. Still, want things to be on the up and up if this stuff is going on record. But again, they won't care about me since I'm so poor. Perhaps I can just leave off 2001 altogether for this purpose since I'll 2002-2004, three years already.

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No problem, enjoyed the excersize. ;) If you've already filed for 2004 and have the return copies, sure I 'd just do 2002, 3, 4. I'm still waiting for some sort of statement of earnings for 2004 from my company. Can't seem to weed it out of the company for this year, despite nice but firm e-mails to the head office person who is in charge of it all, and my boss, who could basically give a rat's arse I think.


Have the last year's bank statments, last 3 month's pay deposits, and letter saying how much I make and will make next year. We'll see on Thurs.



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Thanks a bunch. I haven't actually filed anything, maybe will just state that these are copies of what's about the filed, don't know. Don't want to file now til I've sorted out the 2001 mystery.


My Chinese income doesn't really affect much - still owe nothing for 2002-2004 even including it. But in 2001, it gives me a bigger EIC. But anyway, someone said last time I may have passed the statute of limitations on requesting a refund from 2001. Perhaps I should just send it all and tell them to ignore 2001 if it's filed already/too late...

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