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Hello Candlelovers, I know my SO will need a police report. she went to school in the US for a few years, will she need a police report from here or did the NVC check her background here in the USA?


She has not received the P3 packet yet, doesn't it take a while to get the police report in China? Can anyone shed some light here. Thanks :blink:

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That's an interesting question about the US police report thing. As far as I know that's not possible.


Funny how the US expects and demands an applicant to get a police report from any and every country they've ever lived in, yet when it comes to a US police report, nada I think.


Although actually I don't think it's necessary because that's a part of the background check that the FBI will do. Their efforts essentially eliminate the need for a "police report". So to answer your question, don't worry about it - you don't need to try to get a Us police report. Just submit some other paperwork to prove that she was here (and left!!), and that's all. If if if they ask for more, then go down that road.


Usually Chinese police reports are a snap. My honey got hers in a matter a minutes. Might be longer for others - 2 or 3 days max maybe??

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Maybe she won't need it, but I don't see why she *couldn't* get a police report in the US. When I was getting a visa to another country once, I also needed police reports and during the time they wanted had lived in several places in th US. Each place was more than happy to send me the police report, didn't even have to actually go there. As I recall, some phone calls, maybe letter requesting it, don't remember the details.


So it's not just the US that demands these things from other countries..

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