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Yes, you are correct. It sucks and is unfair but the rules of the game have already been set. I would say to sit back an just hibernate but that little thing called love is a nagging voice in the background that stresses us out and prevents our sleep. There is no doubt about it that the time will pass slowly and I have no suggestion to make it any better. This is one of those times that you are going to have to call upon your manly teachings telling you to "suck it up." This post is in no way meant to be mean, only a reality.

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Be tough and tougher. I had almost 2 year wait to start process - thought I had the waiting thing down - wrong. I am hopefully approaching my first real milestone ( NOA2). Going through NSC, folks within 1 week of my NOA1 are getting approved- but there are those who have been left behind. The whole thing has really got to me this week. I think its because Friday I will see Laopo and really want NOA2 behind us. Yesterday Laopo told we I seem like a child - that is not good !!


Note to self - take deep breath suck it up.


PS - any ideas on removing Cheetos stain - quickly ??

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I agree with Trigg. It's a time to be tough. Sorry but I have to admit that the long wait was really painful.


But the wait also cements a good relationship. I'm not saying it's a good thing but there are good things which come of it. And like you've seen on lots of posts here, it's definitely worth the wait.


Jun and I have been back for one week now. Jet lag almost behind us. Lot's of loving and laughing. Many new things: popcorn, snow, spending a month's Chinese salary on a few days of American groceries.


By the way, one thing we did was establish a set time every Sunday morning to talk and see each other on Yahoo Messenger. That was the highlight of my week for months and months. Breaking the wait up into one week chunks seemed to help.


Best to you and everyone else waiting.

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Thanks for the support, I like this site for the simple fact I know others feel the exact pain I feel. I call my fiancee 3-4 times a day, we have talked as much as 6 hours in one day(thank God for low rates and free internet phone).. I am waiting for the Packet 3 to be delivered to my love... That maybe 2 or 3 weeks away still(who really knows).... We may get an interview by August, September..... But that doesn't make it any easier waiting... I almost feel like we are become obssessed with each other now... It's not a physical thing, just a I need her and she needs me!!

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