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Chinese New Year

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Many Chinese work seven days a week.  I think that has a lot to do with the month long party atmosphere.  It is an excuse to take some time off.  Atmosphere is the right term for it.  Several of the foreign teachers here commented that it didn't seem like Christmas this year.  They have went home now, but I can tell you for sure that there is something in the air that makes it the holidays.  Everyday it gets more tangible.  There is a real excitement building for the Spring Holidays.  They actually get started about now and will continue for another month, peaking the first of February and slowly winding down for two weeks after.



thanks for the links... and...


I never worked 7 days a week, also none people of I have known work 7 days a week, we used to work 5 days a week... sometimes work in holidays too, but the company has to pay 3 times salary for that over work.


and it's not legal if the company force the employees work in the weekend or offical holidays. :lol:


... in Shanghai it's illegal... I don't know the other parts of China well

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enight, hope we get a chance to meet when I come to Shanghai.  So Sandy is definitely flying back to the states with Lili and me.  Should be a lot of fun..

Sure Bob!


... and I am looking forward to meet you and your lovely, charming, beautiful Lili in the States also... :lol:


your guys are really lucky to go in a group ... the long time trip would become a journey full of fun :D


I hope you also take many pictures during the trip, we are looking forward to see more pictures posted on your homepage


... I looked through all those pictures, and all those ones gave me strong impression... have talked to Lili days ago, she told me the story of the one picture in the boat on West Lake... WOW! you are a such romantic guy !!! :P

enight I try to be a bit romantic at certain times. However, I also have as we say in the US occasionally a weak moment and I do something really special for Lili.


Over the next few years I will do many special things for Lili, because of all the love I have for her.


Sometime this summer I will have a big party, and all the woman and their husbands/fiances that are living in the Boston, area will be invited.

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let me try :P

Chinese new year is named the Spring fetival , it is Chinese traditional new year for thousand years before the public calender appeared, Feb.1st on public calender is Jan.1st according Chinese traditional calender this year,  it is as important to Chinese as the Christmas day to American, it is the moment that family members gather together to celebrate for the new year, exchaging gift and having delicious family dinner and making a wish for the coming year etc....

if you were going to visit your girl friends' family during this Festival, you need Dress on your new clothes with red color bags in your pocket  which are put alittle money inside to give kids and take gifts for your future parents in law and other directly family members ,    .....

if you wanted to know about Chinese new year, come to China, you would have a wonderful memory.

when I was a kid , it took me over half year to expect the coming of each Spring Festival,

;)  :P  :lol:  :P  :D  ;)  ;)

it's great explanation of Chinese New Year!


thanks janean! :D



and I never got red envelop contains money except once my aunt gave me 5 yuan ($0.6) http://digi.pchome.net/icons/7.gif


... it was 5 or 6 or 8 or 9? I couldn't remember! ;)

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:o when I came back, I notice I forgot to post the message I wrote about Chinese new year, after I sent it, I found there were many replies, I thought i might repeat something which Enight already posted, Sorry, it is first time to post message here, it is no problem I make mess , right ? ;) :D :lol: :P
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Depending on the region of China, the dumplings (either fried or boiled or steamed) are different.

yes, Tony...


the dumpling made for Chinese New Year eve mainly are boiled or steamed.


I like to eat dumplings too... my families usualy eat it in normal days, fried (I would rather call it is baked on a big flat pan).. boiled... steamed.


my favorite taste dumpling is containing Chinese Leek mixed with fried egg :lol:

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enight I try to be a bit romantic at certain times.  However, I also have as we say in the US occasionally a weak moment and I do something really special for Lili.


Over the next few years I will do many special things for Lili, because of all the love I have for her.


Sometime this summer I will have a big party, and all the woman and their husbands/fiances that are living in the Boston, area will be invited.

that's really cool Bob! ... you are going to make a headline on the newspaper! ! ! how many people will be in that party?? :o


.. and ...sure, I already know how romantic and caring you are from what Lili told me, haaahaaaa... :lol:

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:D when I came back, I notice I forgot to post the message I wrote about Chinese new year, after I sent it, I found there were many replies, I thought i might repeat something which Enight already posted, Sorry, it is first time to post message here, it is no problem I make mess , right ?  ;)  ;)  :lol:  :P

where where where is the mess? We only saw the clear and very well explanation of the Chinese New Year here! :o



janean! you done very well! :P

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Many Chinese work seven days a week.  


I never worked 7 days a week, also none people of I have known work 7 days a week, we used to work 5 days a week... sometimes work in holidays too, but the company has to pay 3 times salary for that over work.


and it's not legal if the company force the employees work in the weekend or offical holidays. :lol:


... in Shanghai it's illegal... I don't know the other parts of China well

I have had quite a bit of contact with people outside of the big cities and people who do not work in factories and such, the people that make up the vast majority of China. Think about all the people who own or work in those tiny little shops. Think about the taxi drivers and mini bus drivers and conductors. Think about the farmers. (They work 7/365 even in the US) Hotel workers - restaruant workers and owners. The postal service was mentioned already - There are many others. The conditions are very different in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc. Even in a major city like Shenyang, the unemployment is so high that people will not argue with an employer or report them for being required to work more than the government stipulated hours. I have been told of factories up here in the north requiring "voluntary" time of workers to work extra shifts.


Not criticizing your answer, you may very well know more than me. It is just that I have seen very many instances of people required or choosing to work 7 days a week.

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Hi, enight, you have last chance this year, try to remind those who are around you  by waving a red bad in hand :lol:  why you didn't come to 001 today?

oh janean!


... I am already too old to ask for red envelops from the others ... I will hide myself in the closet this Chinese New Year!... please don't tell my son (Jim) and Grandson (Don) where am I hidding! lol :o




in the last half year, I have been stayed on forums most of time, and it's really great to make many friends from there.


and... as I am going to go to the States in the sooner future... there are lots of things I need to deal with, especially the language and culture difference.


so I am beginning to learn more English words and history of America since this week, that's why I don't stay on forums any more... because those girls and guys are too attractive to me... I coudln't resist to talk to them once I login on there! lol ... just same as what am I doing now! lol :D

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By the way, I mentioned in a post elsewhere that, now being the oldest male in our family, I inherited the title of Grandfather. That makes Spring Festival very expensive for me! Remember that here nieces and nephews call me grandfather. Besides, I'm American, that means I'm rich! I have a constant stream of kids coming after me for the red envelopes! Talk about wanting to hide in the closet!

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