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on the road again

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Well, if the visa does not come in a week or 10 days ,I'm heading to Europe again soon. Norway, Finland, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Italy, France and maybe Portugal. I'll stay in touch from there like I did in Beijing. Yuhui might go to Jilin for the Chinese New Year with her family.


Damn this government. And I thought France's was FUBAR. :D

Think again.

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Eric, wait for your Yuhui to come and go Europe together. I wish you good luck and she will get EMS letter this week.


God bless,



She won't. I'm bummed.

Even if she did, She can't get a EU visa by then, unless we get married.

Sorry guys. I think I''ll take a break from CDL for a while.

I don't believe the DoS BS anymore. The 2 weeks clearance thing. Been there , done that

When it comes, it comes.

Forgive me to be impatient........... We were August 1 st.. The second day they stopped visas. But we are still on hold



Or maybe I will.. Right nowm I don't feel like it

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Aren't you one of the ones that have already received the visa pickup notice??? If so, you're going to give up at this point?? :rolleyes: You've and We've come along this far, don't let this incompetent government of ours called 'DOS' beat us. Think about if you just wait a little longer, which I know is a ridiculous concept, and you go together with your special lady to Europe, how much sweeter it will be! :lol:


If you're not that person, then disregard this message. :blink:

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Aren't you one of the ones that have already received the visa pickup notice??? If so, you're going to give up at this point?? :rolleyes:  You've and We've come along this far, don't let this incompetent government of ours called 'DOS' beat us. Think about if you just wait a little longer, which I know is a ridiculous concept, and you go together with your special lady to Europe, how much sweeter it will be! :lol:


If you're not that person, then disregard this message.  :blink:

no.No EMS at this point,

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Hopefully, when you read this, it is morning and you are feeling better and your top-ten humor is reawakening. Seriously, I know its a bummer. We were not far behind you on 8/20.


I wish you a safe journey and may the wind be at your back. If the visa comes while you are away, you'll find out for sure and just trust that the logistics of the matter will work out for the best.


Keep posting. I, for one, would sorely miss your special brand of humor. And who would be left to run the sprint after Jim, the ten-thingie man.


:P :wacko: :wacko:

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