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Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.


I'de rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal labotomy. :D


Poor Jun. Jason! damn dude, yer stressing me out too. I'm gonna go walk around my dining room table a couple times. ...It's all good man. You crossed your T's and dotted your I's. (you did dot your I's didn't you? I heard GZ was clamping down on fraudulant's I's. They look like the letter i, but they really aren't without the dot on top. better go back and check.) :lol:

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DS-230 Part II not needed.


DS-230 Part I definitely needed.

Same w/ 864. 864 is always needed. 864A, only if you need help making it over the poverty line.

Don't mess with my head, man. I don't need no stinkin' 864. :rolleyes:

Not now, but you will!


Almost the same feeling as a mortgage.


"Sign on the dotted line, please."--------------------------------- :D

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DS-230 Part II not needed.


DS-230 Part I definitely needed.

Same w/ 864. 864 is always needed. 864A, only if you need help making it over the poverty line.

Don't mess with my head, man. I don't need no stinkin' 864. :lol:

What chu talkn bout willis?


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No shame in pushing the panic button, in my opinion! This process seems to get more tricky once the paper work involves the DOS. I pushed the panic button when I saw the GIV-24 form in my package # 3 (K-3 Visa applicants). I had never heard of that form. This is a nerve racking experience!


We will all get through this in the end. Anyway, it sounds like you know what you are doing.



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No shame in pushing the panic button, in my opinion! This process seems to get more tricky once the paper work involves the DOS.  I pushed the panic button when I saw the GIV-24 form in my package # 3 (K-3 Visa applicants).  I had never heard of that form.  This is a nerve racking experience!


We will all get through this in the end.  Anyway, it sounds like you know what you are doing.



More like SHE knows what she's doing... lol I hope our kids get their brains from her. :D


And actually, Mark... I've lost 13 pounds in 2 weeks :D

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