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Let's play a game on the USCIS website.

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Menxin, one thing to remember, is the government has to try to term things to cater to the "lowest common denominator"... meaning the dumbest, densest, most idiotic person will understand it. This often has the effect of insulting many people's intelligence, but it's the way it has to be. People get sued otherwise :)


This came up in the military ALL the time. Though it would often scare me, thinking that someone in the position to need to have some of those things explained could be stupid enough to need them explained in that way... one of those realizations akin to looking in the kitchen of a "nice" restaurant :blink: It just shatters the illusion.

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Thanks for reminding me of my roll J. Do i really have to wear this helmet and take the short bus to school though.


I have this sign posted up in my cube at work.


Answer desk fees:

Answers = $2

Correct answers = $5

Stupid Looks = Always Free


Here's your free introductory stupid look. :)

Enjoy :huh: :blink:

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