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Power Shortage In Nanning???

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I talked to my wife at length about it today and she explained that some parts of the city very seldom have outages. Where she used to live for instance. Other parts especially the older parts of city are hit frequently. Especially when it hasn't rained much. This creates a water shortage for the hydroelectric plants. There you have it straight from a woman who lived there 47 years.

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I spent 10 days in nanning in November and every day we lost power at my wifes house. It seems that they divert the power to the better neighborhoods and business districts. My wife is not online at this moment because it is out again. It is a every day occurrence in parts of nanning. I had trouble with it too until I witnessed it for myself. I think Ying is without power half of every day. I think also that is why they do not even try to use refridgerators.

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It seems worse the last few days. The power is staying off during the dark hours. Yesterday, my fiancee tried going to a friend's house so we could chat, but her friends power was off too.


She just sent me a text message describing how bad she feels alone in the dark, watching the candles melt. In September, the noise from the streets, and the fact that we were together made it bearable. But now (it's too cold to open the windows) she's having to bear it alone in silence. :lol:


This has really been a drag for her. The little cell phone for text messaging has been more of a lifeline than we thought. I replied with sweet words about our happy future; hopefully to help downplay some of the inconvenience and loneliness so she can sleep.


This has really become a drag for her the last few days. :lol: :lol:

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This is not isolated to Nanning. The entire southwest of China is suffering from low rainfall, which in turn means lower hydroelectric generated power in the face of ever increasing demand. Quan's family has been dealing with rolling blackouts in Liuzhou for the last two years. They had daily blackouts last year when I was there last Janurary. They became less frequent as the spring rains came, but then returned this November.




From what I understand the problem is occuring in Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan.

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